Dear D-Con Participants, the programme is now online (https://fm2023.isp.uni-luebeck.de/index.php/co-located-events/#dcon). We are happy to announce two invited Speakers. Heike Wehrheim will tell us something about view-based semantics and logics for weak memory models and Klaus von Gleissenthall something about the verification of security across hardware and software. @Speakers: In order to avoid parallel sessions the schedule is relatively tight. Besides the slots for invited talks, there are 30min Slots that capture a talk of 20min and 10min for questions and 50min Slots that capture a talk of 40min and 10min for questions. @Business Meeting: At the end of Thursday there is a 30min Slot for our Business Meeting. Since this is rather little time, we would like to collect topics for the Business Meeting beforehand. Please send all suggestions to kirstin.peters@uni-a.de. Thank you. Best wishes, Kirstin Peters
participants (1)
Kirstin Peters