1st Workshop on Hardware Design and Theory, 20th October 2017, Vienna

Announcement 1st Workshop on Hardware Design and Theory - October 20, Vienna (colocated with DISC 2017) HDT is a one-day workshop that aims at bridging between theory and design of hardware. It puts special emphasis on the multitude of connections between the theory of distributed computing and hardware design, apparent in topics such as time and causality, synchronization, and fault-tolerance. The goal is to present questions and results at the forefront of current research and spark a discussion between the fields. The program consists of several invited talks, which are aimed at a general CS audience: Yoram Moses: Viewing Circuits as Distributed Systems Ran Ginosar: Fighting Faults Alex Yakovlev: How to Design Little Digital, yet Highly Concurrent Electronics? Matthias Függer: Fault-tolerant Distributed Clocking: Self-stabilization, Byzantine Failures, and Beyond Miloš Krstić: Optimizing Design of Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems Christian Ikenmeyer: Metastability, Three-valued Logic, and Monotone Circuits Michael Mendler (unconfirmed): Logical Analysis of Distributed Systems: The Importance of Being Constructive For further details, please visit the website: https://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/index.php?id=3362 -- Prof. Michael Mendler, PhD Universität Bamberg Professur für Grundlagen der Informatik The University of Bamberg Faculty of Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences Informatics Theory Group An der Weberei 5 D-96047 Bamberg Germany Phone: ++49 951 863-2828 Fax: ++49 951 863-5528 E-Mail: michael.mendler@uni-bamberg.de WWW: https://www.uni-bamberg.de/gdi/team/michael-mendler/
participants (1)
Mendler, Michael