CFP: The 11th International Workshop on Reachability Problems (RP'17)

--- Apologies for multiple posting --- The 11th International Workshop on Reachability Problems (RP'17) 7 - 9 September 2017 | Royal Holloway, University of London, UK | http: // The 11th Workshop on Reachability Problems will be hosted at Royal Holloway, University of London. The Reachability Workshop is specifically aimed at gathering together scholars from diverse disciplines interested in reachability problems that appear in algebraic structures, computational models, hybrid systems, logic and verification. Invited Speakers: Hana Chockler, King's College London Laurent Doyen, LSV - ENS Cachan Raphaël Jungers, Université catholique de Louvain Andreas Podelski, University of Freiburg Submissions: Authors are invited to submit a draft of a full paper with at most 12 pages (in LaTeX, formatted according to LNCS guidelines) via Easychair. Proofs omitted due to space constraints must be put into an appendix to be read by the program committee members at their discretion. Submissions deviating from these guidelines risk rejection. Electronic submissions should be formatted in pdf. Simultaneous submission to other conferences or workshops with published proceedings is not allowed. Submission link: Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): reachability problems in infinite state systems, rewriting systems, dynamical and hybrid systems; reachability problems in logic and verification; reachability analysis in different computational models, counter timed/cellular/communicating automata; Petri nets; computational aspects of algebraic structures (semigroups, groups and rings); frontiers between decidable and undecidable reachability problems; predictability in iterative maps and new computational paradigms. Important Dates Submission deadline: 10 May 2017 (AoE) Notification to authors: 21 June 2017 Final version: 30 June 2017 Workshop: 7 - 9 September 2017 Presentation-Only Track In addition to regular papers that will appear in our LNCS proceedings, we invite researchers to apply to give a presentation at RP'17 without an accompanying paper. Such presentations can be based on work that has appeared (or which is going to appear) in the proceedings of another conference, or which has not yet been submitted. These contributions will be judged solely on the basis of their attractiveness to the workshop. To apply to give such a presentation please submit a PDF file containing a short abstract (up to two pages) by e-mail [ ] by August 2st 2017, with subject "RP2017 Informal Presentations". This abstract will not be published in the conference proceedings. Notification for the presentation-only track will be August 9th 2016. Proceedings The Conference Proceedings will be published as the volume of the Springer Verlag LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) series and distributed at the Conference. We plan also to publish selected papers in a special issue of a high quality journal following the regular referee procedure. RP'16 Program Committee: Igor Potapov, University of Liverpool (co-chair) Matthew Hague, Royal Holloway, University of London (co-chair) Paul Bell, Liverpool John Moores University Patricia Bouyer-Decitre, LSV, CNRS & ENS de Cachan Aiswarya Cyriac, Chennai Mathematical Institute Giorgio Delzanno, Universita Degli Studi Di Genova Piotrek Hofman, University of Warsaw Peter Lammich, Institut fuer Informatik, TU Munich Martin Lange, University of Kassel Salvatore La Torre, Università degli Studi di Salerno Ranko Lazic, University of Warwick Ondřej Lengál, Brno University of Technology Jerome Leroux, Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique Rupak Majumdar, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems Ahmed Rezine, Linköping University Tachio Terauchi, School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Hsu-Chun Yen, National Taiwan University Previous Workshops: 2016: RP'16 in Aalborg, Denmark LNCS proceedings, Volume 9899/2016, Springer Verlag 2015: RP'15 in Warsaw, Poland LNCS proceedings, Volume 9328/2015, Springer Verlag 2014: RP'14 in Oxford, UK LNCS proceedings, Volume 8762/2014, Springer Verlag 2013: RP'13 in Uppsala, Sweden LNCS proceedings, Volume 8169/2013, Springer Verlag 2012: RP'12 in Bordeaux, France LNCS proceedings, Volume 7550/2012, Springer Verlag 2011: RP'11 in Genova, Italy LNCS proceedings, Volume 6945/2011, Springer Verlag 2010: RP'10 in Brno, Czech Republic LNCS proceedings, Volume 6227/2010, Springer Verlag 2009: RP'09 in Palaiseau, France LNCS proceedings, Volume 5797/2009, Springer Verlag 2008: RP'08 in Liverpool, UK ENTCS proceedings, Volume 223, Elsevier 2007: RP'07 in Turku, Finland TUCS General Publication Series, Volume 45, Turku Centre for Computer Science
participants (1)
Peter Lammich