Deadline extension |CFP CRiSIS 2019 |Hammamet Tunisia

Call for papers The 14th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (CRiSIS) 29-31 October 2019, Hammamet, Tunisia The International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems 2019 will be the 14th in a series dedicated to security issues in Internet-related applications, networks and systems. Internet has become essential for the exchange of information between user groups and organizations from different backgrounds and with different needs and objectives. These users are exposed to increasing risks regarding security and privacy, due to the development of more and more sophisticated online attacks, the growth of Cyber Crime, etc. Attackers nowadays do not lack motivation and they are more and more experienced. To make matters worse, for performing attacks have become easily accessible. Moreover, the increasing complexity as well as the immaturity of new technologies such as pervasive, mobile and wireless devices and networks, raise new security challenges. In this context, new security mechanisms and techniques should be deployed to achieve an assurance level acceptable for critical domains such as energy, transportation, health, defence, banking, critical infrastructures, embedded systems and networks, avionics systems, etc. The CRiSIS conference offers a remarkable forum for computer and network security actors from industry, academia and government to meet, exchange ideas and present recent advances on Internet-related security threats and vulnerabilities, and on the solutions that are needed to counter them. === IMPORTANT DATES === - Submission deadline: June 21, 2019 (Extended) - Notification to authors: July 20, 2019 - Camera-ready versions: September 22, 2019 - Conference dates: October 29-31, 2019 === SPECIAL ISSUE === Selected papers relevant to business, human and organisational aspects of cybersecurity will be invited to submit extended versions for publication in Information and Computer Security Journal === TOPICS === The topics addressed by CRiSIS range from the analysis of risks, attacks to networks and system survivability, to security models, security mechanisms and privacy enhancing technologies. The authors are invited to submit research results as well as practical experiment or deployment reports. Industrial papers about applications or case studies are also welcomed in different domains (e.g., telemedicine, banking, e-government, e-learning, e-commerce, critical infrastructures, mobile networks, embedded applications, etc.). The list of topics includes but is not limited to: - Analysis and management of risk - Attacks and defenses - Attack data acquisition and network monitoring - Cryptography, biometrics, watermarking - Dependability and fault tolerance of Internet applications - Distributed systems security and safety - Embedded system security and safety - Empirical methods for security and risk evaluation - Hardware-based security and physical security - Intrusion detection and prevention systems - Organizational, ethical and legal issues - Privacy protection and anonymization - Risk-aware access and usage control - Security and risk assessment - Security and risks metrics - Security and dependability of operating systems - Security and safety of critical infrastructures - Security and privacy of peer-to-peer system - Security and privacy of wireless networks - Security models and security policies - Security of new generation networks, security of VoIP and multimedia - Security of e-commerce, electronic voting and database systems - Security of social networks - Security of industrial control systems - Smartphone security and privacy - Traceability, metrology and forensics - Trust management - Use of smart cards and personal devices for Internet applications - Web and cloud security === PAPER SUBMISSION === Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Papers must be written in English and must be submitted electronically in PDF format. The papers that will be selected for presentation at the conference will be included in post-proceedings published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series (prior to publication the papers should be revised according to the review comments). Pre-proceedings will appear at the time of the conference. Maximum paper length will be 16 printed pages for full papers or 6 pages for short papers, in LNCS style ( Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their papers will be presented at the conference. All paper submissions will be handled through the EasyChair conference management system: === Proceedings === The proceedings will be published as a volume of Springer's LNCS series. === GENERAL CHAIRS === Nora Cuppens, IMT Atlantique, France Ahmed Hadj Kacem, University of Sfax, Tunisia === PC CHAIRS === Frédéric Cuppens, IMT Atlantique, France Slim Kallel, University of Sfax, Tunisia === PUBLICATION CHAIRS === Nora Cuppens, IMT Atlantique, France Mohamed Mosbah, Bordeaux INP, France === PUBLICITY CHAIRS === Saoussen Cheikhrouhou, University of Sfax, Tunisia Reda Yaich, IRT SystemX, France === LOCAL ORGANISATION COMMITTEE=== Nesrine Khabou, University of Sfax, Tunisia Fairouz Fakhfekh, University of Sfax, Tunisia Riadh Ben Halima, University of Sfax, Tunisia Ismail Bouassida, University of Sfax, Tunisia Hatem Hadj Kacem, University of Sfax, Tunisia === PROGRAM COMMITTEE === Takoua Abdellatif, University of Carthage, Tunisia Esma Aimeur, University of Montreal, Canada Abderrahim Ait Wakrime, IRT Railenium, France Jocelyn Aubert, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Anis Bkakria, University of Bretagne Loire, France Nora Cuppens-Boulahia, University of Bretagne Loire, France Frédéric Cuppens, University of Bretagne Loire, France Bogdan Groza, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania Wided Guedria, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg Brahim Hamid, University of Toulouse, France Christos Kalloniatis, University of the Aegean, Greece Sokratis Katsikas, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Kais Klai, University of Paris 13, France Igor Kotenko, St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation, Russia Marc Lacoste, Orange labs, France Jean-Louis Lanet, LHS Rennes, France Mohamed Mosbah, University of Bordeaux, France Raja Natarajan, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India Roberto Di Pietro, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Kai Rannenberg, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany Michael Rusinowitch, Lorraine University, France Ketil Stoelen, University of Oslo, Norway Akka Zemmari, Université of Bordeaux, France Lingyu Wang, Concordia University, Canada
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