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SLSP 2019
Ljubljana, Slovenia
October 14-16, 2019
Co-organized by:
Jožef Stefan Institute
Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice (IRDTA), Brussels/London
SLSP is a yearly conference series aimed at promoting and displaying excellent research on the wide spectrum of statistical methods that are currently in use in computational language or speech processing. It aims at attracting contributions from both fields. Though there exist large conferences and workshops hosting contributions to any of these areas, SLSP is a more focused meeting where synergies between the two domains will hopefully happen. In SLSP 2019, significant room will be reserved to young scholars at the beginning of their career and particular focus will be put on methodology.
SLSP 2019 will take place in Ljubljana, a charming city full of art and one of the smallest capital cities in Europe. The venue will be:
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
1000 Ljubljana
The conference invites submissions discussing the employment of statistical models (including machine learning) within language and speech processing. Topics of either theoretical or applied interest include, but are not limited to:
anaphora and coreference resolution
authorship identification, plagiarism and spam filtering
computer-aided translation
corpora and language resources
data mining and semantic web
information extraction
information retrieval
knowledge representation and ontologies
lexicons and dictionaries
machine translation
multimodal technologies
natural language understanding
neural representation of speech and language
opinion mining and sentiment analysis
part-of-speech tagging
question-answering systems
semantic role labelling
speaker identification and verification
speech and language generation
speech recognition
speech synthesis
speech transcription
spelling correction
spoken dialogue systems
term extraction
text categorisation
text summarisation
user modeling
SLSP 2019 will consist of:
invited talks
peer-reviewed contributions
Jure Leskovec (Stanford University), Learning and Reasoning with Knowledge Graphs
Alexandros Potamianos (National Technical University of Athens), Emotion and Behavioral Tracking in the Lab and in the Wild
Odette Scharenborg (Delft University of Technology), The Representation and Processing of Speech in Human Listeners and Deep Neural Network-based Automatic Speech Recognition Systems
Jon Barker (University of Sheffield, UK)
Roberto Basili (University of Rome Tor Vergata, IT)
Pushpak Bhattacharyya (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, IN)
Fethi Bougares (University of Le Mans, FR)
Philipp Cimiano (Bielefeld University, DE)
Carol Espy-Wilson (University of Maryland, US)
Nikos Fakotakis (University of Patras, GR)
Robert Gaizauskas (University of Sheffield, UK)
Julio Gonzalo (National Distance Education University, ES)
Reinhold Häb-Umbach (Paderborn University, DE)
John Hershey (Google, US)
Julia Hirschberg (Columbia University, US)
Jing Huang (JD AI Research, US)
Mei-Yuh Hwang (Mobvoi AI Lab, US)
Nancy Ide (Vassar College, US)
Martin Karafiát (Brno University of Technology, CZ)
Vangelis Karkaletsis (National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos", GR)
Tomi Kinnunen (University of Eastern Finland, FI)
Sandra Kübler (Indiana University, US)
Carlos Martín-Vide (Rovira i Virgili University, ES, chair)
David Milne (University of Technology Sydney, AU)
Marie-Francine Moens (KU Leuven, BE)
Preslav Nakov (Qatar Computing Research Institute, QA)
Elmar Nöth (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, DE)
Senja Pollak (Jožef Stefan Institute, SI)
Stephen Pulman (University of Oxford, UK)
Matthew Purver (Queen Mary University of London, UK)
Mats Rooth (Cornell University, US)
Tony Russell-Rose (UX Labs, UK)
Horacio Saggion (Pompeu Fabra University, ES)
Tanja Schultz (University of Bremen, DE)
Efstathios Stamatatos (University of the Aegean, GR)
Erik Tjong Kim Sang (Netherlands eScience Center, NL)
Isabel Trancoso (Instituto Superior Técnico, PT)
Josef van Genabith (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, DE)
K. Vijay-Shanker (University of Delaware, US)
Atro Voutilainen (University of Helsinki, FI)
Hsin-Min Wang (Academia Sinica, TW)
Hua Xu (University of Texas, Houston, US)
Edmund S. Yu (Syracuse University, US)
François Yvon (CNRS - Limsi, FR)
Wlodek Zadrozny (University of North Carolina, Charlotte, US)
Tina Anžič (Ljubljana)
Jan Kralj (Ljubljana)
Matej Martinc (Ljubljana)
Sara Morales (Brussels)
Manuel Parra-Royón (Granada)
Senja Pollak (Ljubljana, co-chair)
Matthew Purver (London)
David Silva (London, co-chair)
Anita Valmarska (Ljubljana)
Authors are invited to submit non-anonymized papers in English presenting original and unpublished research. Papers should not exceed 12 single-spaced pages (all included) and should be prepared according to the standard format for Springer Verlag's LNCS series (see http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0).
Submissions have to be uploaded to:
A volume of proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS/LNAI series will be available by the time of the conference.
A special issue of a major journal will be later published containing peer-reviewed substantially extended versions of some of the papers contributed to the conference. Submissions to it will be by invitation.
The registration form can be found at:
DEADLINES (all at 23:59 CET):
Paper submission: June 1, 2019
Notification of paper acceptance or rejection: July 8, 2019
Final version of the paper for the LNCS/LNAI proceedings: July 15, 2019
Early registration: July 15, 2019
Late registration: September 30, 2019
Submission to the journal special issue: January 16, 2020
Institut "Jožef Stefan"
Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice (IRDTA), Brussels/London