Call for Papers and Posters (Extended Deadline)
3rd International Workshop on Meta Models for Process
Languages (MeMo) 2017
affiliated with CONCUR, September 4th, 2017, Berlin, Germany
'''Aim and Topics'''
Metamodels are framework theories which provide general,
structural results simplifying and driving the development of
models of specific systems and languages. There are frameworks
for operational semantics (such as GSOS, graph rewriting
systems, Milner’s bigraphs, coalgebras), for denotational
semantics (such as algebraic/bialgebraic specifications,
monads, enriched Lawvere theories, mathematical operational
semantics), and for logical semantics (such as metalanguages
for deductive systems, i.e. Logical Frameworks). The
boundaries between these metamodels are blurred, and
techniques and ideas from one can be reapplied to the others.
Moreover, metamodels can help in the definition of new
computation and programming paradigms.
The goal of the MeMo workshop is to bring together researchers
working on and with metamodels, with the aim to share
insights, uncover similarities and differences, possibilities
for cross-fertilization and stimulate further research in this
exciting area. We solicit contributions in the theory and
applications of meta models: theoretical results, tool
implementations, real-world applications, case studies, new
application areas, integration of meta-models with programming
languages, etc. Topics include (but are not limited to):
- Metamodels for operational semantics: bigraphical reactive
systems, coalgebras, psi-calculus, SOS formats, term and graph
transformation systems, tile models, ULTraS and FuTS,
K-framework, etc.
- Metamodels for denotational semantics:
algebraic/bialgebraic specifications, monads, enriched Lawvere
theories, mathematical operational semantics, etc.
- Metamodels for logical semantics: metalanguages for
deductive systems, concurrent logical frameworks, etc.
- Expressiveness issues of metamodels
- Applications of meta-models to the design of computational
paradigms (e.g., for agent-based and context-aware computing)
- Tools, implementations, and experiments
'''Important Dates''' (Extended Deadlines)
Submission regular papers and presentation
proposals: 5th July 2017
Notification regular papers and presentation
proposals: 5th August 2017
Camera-ready copy: 14th August 2017
Submission posters: 14th August 2017
Notification posters: 20th August 2017
'''Keynote Speakers'''
- Jan Friso Groote, Technical University Eindhoven, The
'''Submission Instructions'''
We invite three types of submissions:
Full regular papers;
Tool presentation papers;
Submissions of regular and tool papers must be original and
should not have been published previously nor to be under
consideration for publication while being evaluated for this
workshop. Submissions of poster proposals can be based on work
submitted elsewhere and be clearly marked as a poster proposal
by prefixing the title with "POSTER:" . The posters will be on
display all throughout the workshop in the coffee break area,
when the presenters can interact with other participants.
Evaluation criteria will be technical quality, readability,
novelty, and scope.
All papers and posters must be in English and submitted at the
EasyChair submission site.
Papers should use the EPTCS style (
and not exceed 15 pages in length for full papers, 10 pages
for tool papers, and 6 pages for poster descriptions.
If necessary, the paper may be supplemented with a clearly
marked appendix, which will be reviewed at the discretion of
the program committee.
We plan an EPTCS post-proceedings volume and depending on the
quality of the submissions also a special journal issue of
selected, extended papers.
'''Program Committee Co-Chairs and Organizers'''
- Thomas Hildebrandt, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Christian Johansen, University of Oslo, Norway
'''Program Committee'''
- Patrick Bahr, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Iliano Cervesato, CMU Qatar
- Matteo Cimini, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
- Søren Debois, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Yuxin Deng, East China Normal University, China
- Uli Fahrenberg, Ecole Polytechnique, France
- Tobias Heindel, University of Leipzig, Germany
- Thomas Hildebrandt, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Hans Hüttel, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Christian Johansen, University of Oslo, Norway (co-chair)
- Marino Miculan, University of Udine, Italy
- Joachim Parrow, Uppsala Universitet, Sweden
- Marco Peressotti, University of Southern Denmark
- Johannes Åman Pohjola, Chalmers University, Sweden
- Jan Rutten, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), The
- Pawel Sobocinski, University of Southampton, UK
- Uwe Egbert Wolter, University of Bergen, Norway
Thomas T. Hildebrandt
Associate Professor at IT
University of Copenhagen
Head of Process
Intelligence, Modelling & Optimisation Group
BPM & ACM Consultant
Mobile: +45 31425279