CFP: European Symposium on Programming - ESOP 2012
2012, 24 March - 1 April. Tallinn, Estonia.
ESOP is an annual conference devoted to fundamental issues in the
specification, design, analysis, and implementation of programming
languages and systems. ESOP 2012 is the twenty second edition in this
series and seeks contributions on all aspects of programming language
research including, but not limited to, the following areas:
Programming paradigms and styles: functional programming,
aspect-oriented programming, object-oriented programming, logic
programming, constraint programming, extensible programming languages,
domain-specific languages, biologically-inspired languages, synchronous
and real-time programming languages.
Methods and tools to write, reason about, and specify languages and
programs: module systems, programming techniques, meta programming, type
systems, logical foundations, denotational semantics, operational
semantics, program verification, static analysis, testing,
language-based security.
Methods and tools for reasoning about programs: type systems,
abstract interpretation, program verification, testing;
Methods and tools for implementation: rewriting systems, program
transformations, partial evaluation, experimental evaluations, virtual
machines, intermediate languages, run-time environments.
Concurrency and distribution: parallel programming, process
algebras, concurrency theory, service-oriented computing, distributed
and mobile languages.
ESOP is a member conference of the European Joint Conferences on
Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS), which is the primary European
forum for academic and industrial researchers working on topics relating
to Software Science. ETAPS 2012 is the 15th joint conference in this series.
Submission Guidelines
Papers must be written in English, unpublished and not submitted for
publication elsewhere. The proceedings will be published in the
Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Final papers
will be in the format specified by Springer-Verlag in this page.
Submissions must be in PDF format, formatted in the LNCS style and be at
most 20 pages long. Additional material, that is not to be included in
the final version, but may help assessing the merits of the submission -
for example details of proofs - may be placed in a clearly marked
appendix that is not included in the page limit. ETAPS referees are at
liberty to ignore appendices, and papers must be understandable without
Papers can be sumitted via the following submission page:
Important Dates
Important Dates
7 October 2011 (23:59 Apria, Samoa time): Submission deadline for
abstracts (strict)
14 October 2011 (23:59 Apia, Samoa time): Submission deadline for
full papers (strict)
6/7 December 2011: Rebuttal phase
16 December 2011: Notification of acceptance
6 January 2012: Camera-ready versions due
24 March - 1 April, 2012: Conference
The submission deadline for papers is strict (site will close at 23:59
Samoan time). Submission of an abstract implies no obligation to submit
a full version; abstracts with no corresponding full versions by the
full paper deadline will be considered as withdrawn.
Invited Speaker
Bjarne Stroustroup, Texas A&M Univ (USA)
Programme Committee
Chair: Helmut Seidl, TU München (Germany)
Andreas Abel (Ludwig Maximilian Univ. of München, Germany)
Chandra Boyapati (Univ. of Michigan, USA)
Witold Charatonik (Wroclaw Univ., Poland)
Kostas Chatzikokolakis (Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, France)
Dave Clarke (Catholic Univ. of Leuven, Belgium)
Philippa Gardner (Imperial College, UK)
Sebastian Hack (Univ. of Saarland, Germany)
Suresh Jagannathan (Purdue Univ., USA)
Somesh Jha (Univ. of Wisconsin, USA)
Patrick Lam (Univ. of Waterloo, Canada)
Isabella Mastroeni (Univ. of Verona, Italy)
Matthew Might (Univ. of Utah, USA)
David Monniaux (Verimag, France)
Anders Møller (Univ. of Aarhus, Denmark)
Flemming Nielson (Technical Univ. of Denmark)
German Puebla (Polytechn. Univ. of Madrid, Spain)
Sylvie Putot (CEA, France)
Sriram Rajamani (Microsoft Research, India)
Noam Rinetzky (Queen Mary, Univ. of London, USA)
Xavier Rival (ENS, France)
Christian Schallhart (Univ. of Oxford, UK)
David A. Schmidt (Kansas State Univ., USA)
Harald Sondergaard (Univ. of Melbourne, Australia)
Ian Stark (Univ. of Edinburgh, UK)
Elena Zucca (Univ. of Genova, Italy)
Best wishes,
Helmut Seidl
TACAS 2012: 18th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for
the Construction and Analysis of Systems
TACAS is a forum for researchers, developers and users interested in
rigorously based tools and algorithms for the construction and
analysis of systems. The conference serves to bridge the gaps between
different communities that share common interests in, and techniques
for, tool development and its algorithmic foundations. The research
areas covered by such communities include but are not limited to
formal methods, software and hardware verification, static analysis,
programming languages, software engineering, real-time systems,
communications protocols, and biological systems. The TACAS forum
provides a venue for such communities at which common problems,
heuristics, algorithms, data structures and methodologies can be
discussed and explored. In doing so, TACAS aims to support researchers
in their quest to improve the utility, reliability, flexibility and
efficiency of tools and algorithms for building systems.
Tool descriptions and case studies with a conceptual message, as well
as theoretical papers with clear relevance for tool construction are
all encouraged. The specific topics covered by the conference include,
but are not limited to, the following:
Specification and verification techniques for finite and
infinite-state systems;
Software and hardware verification;
Theorem-proving and model-checking;
System construction and transformation techniques,
Static and run-time analysis;
Abstraction techniques for modeling and validation;
Compositional and refinement-based methodologies;
Testing and test-case generation;
Analytical techniques for safety, security, or dependability;
Analytical techniques for real-time, hybrid, or stochastic systems;
Integration of formal methods and static analysis in high-level
hardware design or software environments;
Tool environments and tool architectures;
SAT and SMT solvers;
Applications and case studies.
Competition on Software Verification
Associated with TACAS '12 there will be a competition on software
verification. TACAS '12 hosts the first such competition event with
the goal to evaluate the technology transfer and compare
state-of-the-art software verifiers with respect to effectiveness and
efficiency. The competition is performed and presented by the TACAS
Competition Chair Dirk Beyer. Successful competition candidates are
granted a demonstration slot for their tool in the TACAS program, and
their contribution paper will be included in the TACAS conference
proceedings. Important dates and submission
See the common call for papers of ETAPS 2012 at
Submit your paper via the TACAS 2012 author interface of Easychair.
Submission guidelines
TACAS will accept the following kinds of submissions:
* Research papers cover one or more of the topics above, including
tool development and case studies from a perspective of scientific
research. They have a maximum of 15 pages.
* Case study papers report on case studies (preferably in a "real
life" setting) are also welcome. They should focus on providing
sufficiently detailed information about the following aspects: the
system being studied and why it is of interest, the goals of the
study, the challenges the system poses to automated analysis,
research methodologies and the approach used, the degree to which
goals were attained, and how the results can be generalized to other
problems and domains. Case study papers have a maximum of 15 pages.
* Regular tool papers present a new tool, a new tool component, or
novel extensions to an existing tool. They focus primarily on
engineering aspects, with special emphasis on important design and
implementation concerns. A thorough discussion of theoretical
foundations is not required, although the paper should provide with
a summary of such, with relevant citations. A tool paper should
describe the tool's software architecture and core data structures
and algorithms, and also give a clear account of its
functionality. The paper should discuss the tool's practical
capabilities with reference to the type and size of problems it can
handle, and experience with realistic case studies. Papers that
present extensions to existing tools should clearly focus on the
improvements or extensions with respect to previously published
versions of the tool, preferably substantiated by data on
enhancements in terms of resources and capabilities. Tool papers are
evaluated by the TACAS Tool Chair with the help of the Programme
Committee. Tool papers have a maximum of 15 pages.
* Tool demonstration papers present tools based on aforementioned
technologies (e.g., theorem-proving, model-checking, static
analysis, or other formal methods) or falling into relevant
application areas (e.g., system construction and transformation,
testing, analysis of real-time, hybrid or biological systems, etc.)
and focus on the usage aspects of the tool. Tool demonstration
papers are evaluated by the TACAS Tool Chair with the help of the
Programme Committee. Tools presented in tool demonstration papers
must be publicly available. Tool demo papers have a maximum of 6
Submitted papers in all categories must:
* be in English,
* present original research which is unpublished and not submitted
elsewhere (conferences or journals) - in particular, simultaneous
submission of the same contribution to multiple ETAPS conferences is
* use the Springer LNCS style,
* fit within the page limit, including figures and bibliography
(papers may include an optional appendix containing ancillary
material such as proofs, but TACAS referees are at liberty to ignore
appendices, and
* be submitted electronically in pdf via the TACAS 2012 Easychair
author interface.
Invited speaker
Holger Hermanns (Univ. of Saarland, Germany)
Programme chairs
Cormac Flanagan (Univ. of California at Santa Cruz, USA)
Barbara König (Univ. of Duisburg-Essen,Germany)
Programme committee
Rajeev Alur (Univ. of Pennsylvania, USA)
Armin Biere ( Johannes Kepler Univ., Austria)
Alessandro Cimatti (FBK-irst, Italy) (Tool chair)
Rance Cleaveland (Univ. of Maryland and Fraunhofer USA, USA)
Giorgio Delzanno (Univ. of Genova, Italy)
Javier Esparza (Techn. Univ. of Munich, Germany)
Patrice Godefroid (Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA)
Susanne Graf (Verimag, France)
Orna Grumberg (Technion, Israel)
Aarti Gupta (NEC Labs, USA)
Michael Huth (Imperial College London, UK)
Ranjit Jhala (Univ. of California at San Diego, USA)
Vineet Kahlon (Univ. of Texas at Austin, USA)
Daniel Kroening (Univ. of Oxford, UK)
Marta Kwiatkowska (Univ. of Oxford, UK)
Kim G. Larsen (Aalborg Univ., Denmark)
Rustan Leino (Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA)
Matteo Maffei (Univ. of Saarland, Germany)
Ken McMillan (Cadence Berkeley Labs, USA)
Doron Peled (Bar Ilan University, Israel)
Anna Philippou (Univ. of Cyprus)
Arend Rensink (Univ. of Twente, Netherlands)
Andrey Rybalchenko (Techn. Univ. of Munich, Germany)
Stefan Schwoon (ENS Cachan, France)
Bernhard Steffen (Techn. Univ. of Dortmund, Germany)
Serdar Tasiran (Koc University, Turkey)
Lenore Zuck (Univ. of Illinois at Chicago, USA)