Dear Colleague I hope that this CFPs could be useful for your work. Please forward the following to anybody who you think may be interested. Apologies if you have already seen this. If you would like to be removed from our list please send an email to icsm2001@dsi.unifi.it with REMOVE in the subject. ICSM2001 Technical Committee _=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_= CALL---FOR---PAPERS IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance 2001 FLORENCE, ITALY, 5-9 November 2001, http://www.dsi.unifi.it/icsm2001 Theme: Systems and Software Evolution in the era of the Internet _=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_= ICSM is the major international conference in the field of software and systems maintenance, evolution, and management. In the era of the Internet, businesses and end-users have invested in new technologies and small and large software organizations around the world are looking for Internet related solutions to evolve and maintain their new Internet software products. Internet technologies are strongly impacting system architectures and business processes and rules. In some cases businesses and end-users have been overwhelmed trying to keep up with software development and evolution processes and practices. In addition to novel solutions to enable the life-cycle of new web-based software systems, huge investments are necessary to migrate aginglegacy applications to web-enabled contemporary systems. ICSM 2001 will address these major changes in the software landscape and their impact on maintenance and evolution. The focus of the conference will be to explore the new challenges that the Internet, as a driver for business changes, poses for software maintenance, and the new opportunities it opens as infrastructure and enabling technology. The purpose of the conference is to promote discussion and interaction between researchers and practitioners. We are particularly interested in exchanging concepts, prototypes, research ideas, and other results which could contribute to the academic arena and also benefit business and the industrial community. ICSM 2001 will be participatory, with working collaborative sessions and presentations of industry projects. ICSM 2001 will bring together researchers, practitioners, developers and users of tools, technology transfer experts, and project managers. The Conference will be held in conjunction with WESS, the Workshop on Empirical Studies of Software. Topics of interest include but are not restricted to the following aspects of maintenance and evolution: - Methods and theories -Processes and strategies - Organizational frameworks -Life cycle and process control - Design for maintenance -Tools and environments - Internet and distributed systems -Multimedia systems - User interface evolution -Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) - Third party maintenance -Freeware and open source applications - Program comprehension -Software and system visualization - Knowledge based systems -Formal methods - Impact of new software practices -Empirical studies - Software reusability -Programming languages - Source code analysis and manipulation -Testing and regression testing - Models and methods for error prediction -Measurement of software - Maintenance and/or productivity metrics -Preventive maintenance - Personnel aspects of maintenance -Reengineering and reverse engineering - Version and configuration management -Legal aspects and standards - Management and organization -Remote, tele-work, and co-operative applications RESEARCH PAPERS Research papers should describe original and significant work in the research and practice of software maintenance. Research case studies, empirical research, and experiments are particularly welcome. Papers should be 2000 - 5000 words in length, in English. Submit them in PDF or PostScript via email to icsm2001@unisannio.it by 15 January 2001. A prize of the Journal of Software Maintenance will be assigned at the Best submitted Paper. INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS We welcome proposals for presentations of Industrial Applications. These can be experience reports from real projects, industrial practices and models, or tool demonstrations. Submit proposals for Industrial Application presentations via email to icsm2001.industry@unisannio.it by 12 March 2001. Industrial Applications proposals will be reviewed by a dedicated sub-committee of the program committee and a 1 page summary of accepted proposals will be included in the conference proceedings. TUTORIALS Tutorials should present software maintenance and evolution topics of interest to practitioners. Tutorials may be full-day or half-day in length. Submit tutorial proposals via email to icsm2001.tutorial@unisannio.it by 12 February 2001. IMPORTANT DATES Research Paper submission 15 January 2001, notification of acceptance 1 June 2001 Industrial Application submission 12 March 2001 Tutorial submission 12 February 2001 ------------------------------ General chair: Paolo Nesi, University of Florence, Italy, nesi@dsi.unifi.it Financial chair: Vaclav Rajlich, Wayne State University, USA, vtr@cs.wayne.edu Program co-chairs: Gerardo Canfora, University of Sannio, Italy, gerardo.canfora@unisannio.it Anneliese von Mayrhauser, Colorado State University, USA, avm@CS.ColoState.EDU Tutorials co-chairs: Lionel C. Briand, Carleton University, briand@sce.carleton.ca Alessandro Fantechi, University of Florence, Italy, Fantechi@dsi.unifi.it Industrial Applications co-chairs: Panagiotis K. Linos, Tennessee Technological University, USA, linos@tntech.edu Harry Sneed, Software Engineering Service GmbH, Germany, Harry.Sneed@t-online.de Chris Verhoef, University of Amsterdam, NL, x@wins.uva.nl Publicity co-chairs: Nicholas Zvegintzov (General Co-chair), Software Management Network, USA, zvegint@attglobal.net Malcolm Munro (Co-chair for Europe), University of Durham, UK, malcolm.munro@durham.ac.uk William Cheng-Chung Chu (Co-chair for East), TungHai University, Taiwan, chu@cis.thu.edu.tw Local Arrangements co-chairs: Fabrizio Fioravanti, University of Florence, Italy, fioravan@dsi.unifi.it Pierfrancesco Bellini (Industrial Applications, and Demos), University of Florence, Italy, bellini@hpcn.dsi.unifi.it WEB Master: Marius Bogdan Spinu, University of Florence, Italy, spinu@hpcn.dsi.unifi.it --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------