Dear Hermann,
thank you for your interest in COMPASS.
Indeed, there are some issues with probabilistic verification and
performability analysis. This is explained in Section 6 of the COMPASS
tutorial, where a variant of the battery_sensor model is presented and
probabilistic analyses are exemplified.
Someone from RWTH Aachen University -- who implemented this part -- can
perhaps follow up with some more details.
As regards this mailing list, it is a closed support list, so there is
no public archive of it.
Best regards,
On 09-Jul-21 15:44, Walth, Hermann wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been trying out COMPASS for the past few weeks, but I have not
> quite managed to get what I want out of it. I am mostly interested in
> quantitative measures such as unreliability and unavailability.
> Using the battery_sensor example provided with COMPASS, I could at least
> obtain a measure for unreliability in the Safety/Fault Tree Evaluation
> tab. However, this feature works by generating fault trees - I have been
> under the impression that COMPASS has more expressive power than fault
> trees. And I have no idea how to measure unavailability using COMPASS -
> the battery_sensor example is not repairable and neither are most of the
> examples provided with COMPASS.
> I believe the Performability/IMC Analysis feature should also be able to
> give me quantitative results, but all I can get out of it is "Long Run
> Average: 0.0". I have noticed the warning "The root component contains
> ports. Performability results are undefined.", but even with a SLIM
> model I made myself featuring no ports in its root component, I get the
> same result. I am using a property of the form "Globally, {not
> sys.is_alive} holds eventually with probability > 0.0".
> Is there any way to obtain measures of unreliability and more
> importantly, unavailability from COMPASS? Is the only way to get these
> measures via Fault Tree Generation?
> Additionally, I have been wondering if there is any kind of archive of
> this mailing list - I have been looking for one but have not found any.
> Best Regards,
> Hermann Walth
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