Dear Marco,

Thank you for the reply. 
Issouf Ouattara
SpaceMaster- Joint European Master in Space Science and Technology
Kiruna / Sweden
Mobile: +46727816567

"Give me a challenge and I will meet it with Joy."
"You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you." - John Bunyan
"Never miss an opportunity to be fabulous. Being fabulous implies making decision to go beyond what is expected at all time." Tina Seelig

Le Lundi 4 septembre 2017 18h57, Marco Bozzano <> a écrit :

Dear Issouf,

as soon as you are affiliated with Aalto University in Finland and you
want to evaluate the toolset in this frame, you can use the toolset,
since you are affiliated with an institution based in a ESA-member state.

With best regards,


On 09/04/2017 02:14 PM, Issouf Ouattara wrote:
> Dear COMPASS team,
> I am a none EU citizen. I am living in Finland for studies (I have the
> residency for one year) and a master student in the Join European Master
> in Space Science and technology at Aalto University. I would like to be
> able to use the COMPASS software for cubesat fault analysis. I am
> writing to you to ask if I can request to use it despite not being a EU
> citizen but residing in a EU country.
> Thank you,
> *Issouf Ouattara*
> SpaceMaster- Joint European Master in Space Science and Technology
> Helsinki / Finland
> Website:
> Mobile: +46727816567
> "Give me a challenge and I will meet it with Joy."
> "You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who
> can never repay you." - John Bunyan
> "Never miss an opportunity to be fabulous. Being fabulous implies making
> decision to go beyond what is expected at all time." Tina Seelig

> _______________________________________________
> COMPASS-support mailing list

  - Marco

  Marco Bozzano, PhD, Researcher at FBK
    Via Sommarive 18, Povo, 38123 Trento (Italy)
    ph.: +39-0461-314367
    mobile: +39-366-6722580 (calls only, no SMS),
