Abaqus problem with host list

Dear All, In the past (LSF) it was possible to submit parallel jobs on several cores for ABAQUS. However, now with SLURM i encounter the problem stated below: Abaqus Error: The number of cpus used is more than the total number of processors specified by the host list. mp_host_list: [['ncm0081.hpc.itc.rwth-aachen.de', 1]]. Abaqus/Analysis exited with error(s). I suspect it is due to a fautly setting of the enviromental variable $R_WLM_ABAQUSHOSTLIST, as the job submission script, found on the RWTH documentation website states: cat << EOF > $abaqus_v6.env #verbose = 3 #ask_delete = OFF mp_file_system = (SHARED, LOCAL) mp_host_list = $R_WLM_ABAQUSHOSTLIST EOF It seems like currently there is only one host in that list, which i suspect to be insufficient when running on, let say 16 cores. Best Regards, Karthik
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