Hello everybody, I want to run LSDYNA with intelmpi and im trying the script (Distributed Memory (Multi-Node, MPI) Parallel Job) as documented here: https://doc.itc.rwth-aachen.de/display/CC/lsdyna However i get this fail-message: (OK) Loading TECHNICS environment (EE) intelmpi/2018.4.274 already loaded, try unloading it first. (!!) Please notice: Using lsdyna requires payment. (!!) If in doubt, please contact your institute's IT-administrator or servicedesk@itc.rwth-aachen.de. (OK) Loading lsdyna R9.1.0 (!!) hybrid parallelised versions for intelmpi only (!!) MPI parallelised versions for intelmpi or openmpi/1.8.4 /var/spool/slurm/job1878073/slurm_script:33: command not found: --propagate=STACK Is there maybe something wrong with the script given on the documentation? the variable STACK seems to be undefined, or is it? My job script looks like this: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/local_rwth/bin/zsh ### Job name #SBATCH -J LSDYNA_OMP ### File / path where output will be written, the %J is the job id #SBATCH -o LSDYNA_OpenMPI.%J ### Request the time you need for execution in minutes ### The format is: [hour:]minute, for 80 minutes you can use: 1:20 #SBATCH -t 120:00:00 ### Request memory you need for your job in MB #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2000M #SBATCH --nodes=1 ulimit -s 600000 ### Request the number of compute slots you want to use #SBATCH --ntasks=12 #SBATCH --mail-type=end #SBATCH --mail-user=sim@isf.rwth-aachen.de #SBATCH --account=rwth0398 ### load modules module load TECHNICS module load intelmpi module load lsdyna cd $WORK/LSDYNA # start non-interactive batch job $MPIEXEC --propagate=$STACK $FLAGS_MPI_BATCH ls-dyna_mpp_intel i=sFSWmodel.k -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Best Regards, Marek