Hello Marcus, The issue was fixed, thank you very much! However, today i receive a similar error again? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :::::::::::::: slurm_ansys.sh :::::::::::::: #!/usr/local_rwth/bin/zsh ### Job name #SBATCH -J CFX_OpenMPI ### File / path where output will be written, the %J is the job id #SBATCH -o CFX_OpenMPI.%J ### Request the time you need for execution in minutes ### The format for the parameter is: [hour:]minute, ### that means for 80 minutes you could also use this: 1:20 #SBATCH -t 24:00:00 ### Request virtual memory you need for your job in MB #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu 1G #SBATCH --nodes=1 ### Request the number of compute slots you want to use #SBATCH -n 12 ### Enable Verbose Output #SBATCH -V #SBATCH --mail-type=end #SBATCH --mail-user=sim@isf.rwth-aachen.de #SBATCH --account=rwth0398 ### Change to the work directory cd $WORK/Ansys_Lichtbogencluster/IIW2019 more slurm_ansys.sh ### Purge default MPI and Compiler to use the CFX MPI implementation module purge ### load modules and execute module load TECHNICS module load ansys ### start non-interactive batch job cfx5solve -def 2019-04-17_IIW_13500K20V_withDrop.def -par-dist "$CFXHOSTS" -start-method "Intel MPI Distributed Parallel" -ccl R.ccl ### (OK) Unloading intelmpi 2018.4.274 (OK) Unloading Intel Suite (WW) ATTENTION!!! Unloading this module can result in inoperable software!!! (OK) Loading TECHNICS environment (!!) Please notice: Using ansys requires payment. (!!) If in doubt, please contact your institute's IT-administrator or servicedesk@itc.rwth-aachen.de. (!!) Run the workbench GUI using runwb2 (OK) Loading ansys 19.3 An error has occurred in cfx5solve: Errors in CCL processing: invalid object name """": leading character must be alphabetic or '_' Warning! Host name lookup failed for host "" An error has occurred in cfx5solve: Unable to find the master host ncm0914.hpc.itc.rwthaachen.de (ncm0914.hpc.itc.rwth-aachen.de) in the host list: at least one partition must be assigned to the master host. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It seems like $CFXHOSTS is an empty string? Or am i mistaken? Best Regards, Marek