OK, BTW is there some mailing list where should I subscribe to be aware of such changes in the future? Best regards Pavel ________________________________ From: an Mey, Dieter Sent: Thursday, March 7, 2019 2:36:37 PM To: Ondracka, Pavel; claix18-slurm-pilot@lists.rwth-aachen.de Subject: RE: [claix18-slurm-pilot] disabled hyperthreading? Hi Pavel, HT was deactivated yesterday. So there are only 48 tasks left Best regards, Dieter -----Original Message----- From: Pavel Ondračka <ondracka@mch.rwth-aachen.de> Sent: Thursday, March 7, 2019 9:06 AM To: claix18-slurm-pilot@lists.rwth-aachen.de Subject: [claix18-slurm-pilot] disabled hyperthreading? Hi, I have a question about the hyperthreading. Previously when I wanted to allocate full node with hyperthreading I did this: #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-core=2 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=96 #SBATCH --mem=180G This no longer works, i.e., setting ntasks per node to anything higher than 48 will show sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed: Requested node configuration is not available even when the --ntasks-per-core=2 is set. Any ideas? How can I allocate full node with hyperthreading? Best regards Pavel Ondračka _______________________________________________ claix18-slurm-pilot mailing list -- claix18-slurm-pilot@lists.rwth-aachen.de To unsubscribe send an email to claix18-slurm-pilot-leave@lists.rwth-aachen.de