Re: SSD Seminar Series with Prof. Dr. Artem Korobenko/ May 8, 2023
Dear participants of yesterdays SSD Seminar with Prof. Dr. Korobenko, As promised by him, here is the link to his slides: Best, Ina Kilbinger Am 28.04.2023 um 09:48 schrieb Kilbinger, Katharina <>: May 8, 2023 Monday 4pm - 5pm Room 115 Rogowski Building Schinkelstraße 2, 52062 Aachen SSD Seminar Series Summer 2023 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prof. Dr. Artem Korobenko Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering<>, University of Calgary, Canada Recent Developments in Variational Multiscale (VMS) Methods for Multiphase and Stratified Flows with Application to Renewable Energy<> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The lecture takes place hybrid! If you want to participate online, please use the following Zoom Link: Meeting-ID: 924 5082 1265 Kenncode: 556975 …………………………………………………….. Send submission for the newsletter to<> ……………………………………………………..
participants (1)
Kilbinger, Katharina