Latin American Screens 2001 - TV Market

Dear Television Executive: "The Latin American Screens" TV Market is here again...Don't forget to mark your calendar: November 19-21, 2001 in Cartagena de Indias. Fist of all, thank you to all our participants to LAS 2000 for the great "word of mouth" you have done to promote the event. Now, if you are currently doing business in Latin America or wish to do so, then you should attend "The Latin American Screens" 2001 edition. You cannot afford to miss it! In its fourth year, "LAS" has drawn interest from various members from the televisionindustry both Latin Americans and International. As of today, over 40 TV program buyers from Latin and Central America have confirmed their participation to our market and over a 100 international distributors are expected to attend (See attached Buyers List). This is a unique opportunity to explore and seize the potential of this tremendous market, don't be left behind. For more information about the event visit our website With a paid registration you can start scheduling your appointments with our interactive agenda. If you need personalized service, please don't hesitate to contact the representative in charge of your region. Sincerely, Latin American Screens Marketing Team FOURTH LATIN AMERICAN SCREENS TV MARKET Location: Hotel Sofitel Santa Clara Cartagena de Indias - Colombia November 19 to 21, 2001 ___________________________________________________________________________ COMMITMENTS OF A NEW MARKET Created in 1998, Latin American Screens was designed to respond to the rapid growth of the Latin American TV market: 17 countries and half a billion inhabitants. During three days, executives of the Latin American TV industry and their foreign colleagues, can discuss, exchange, buy and sell programs and jointly develop projects and ideas. The first three editions allowed us to achieve some of the long term objectives of this innovative market: - foster program exchange among Latin American countries, and the rest of the world, - create an event allowing international broadcasters and producers of the region to do business, - provide an accessible platform for Latin American buyers from regional and national TV stations, local cable and cultural networks to evaluate and acquire international programming, - allow international producers and distributors to discover the region's cultural and economic characteristics and enable them to propose program packages that meet the demands in quantity and budget of the Latin American buyers, - develop a project market, by creating a closer relationship between possible co-producers, Latin American and from the rest of the World. AN INTERACTIVE AGENDA An important feature of the Latin American Screens is the Interactive Agenda. By accessing our website., you can evaluate product categories, schedule appointments with participating buyers and sellers. You have to be a registered attendant to benefit from this unique tool. Also, the Interactive Agenda will allow you to immediatly identify the best potential trading partners. During three days, Latin American Screens 2001 will transform the city of Cartagena de Indias, located on the Colombian Carribean Coast, into an exciting and busy market place. The Sofitel Santa Clara Hotel is converted into the center of the event and a number of its colonial suites become the exhibit halls of the Latin American Screens. BUYERS LIST CONFIRMED AS OF AUGUST 29,2001, BROKEN DOWN ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING ORDER: "COUNTRY" "COMPANY NAME" "BUYER'S NAME" "BUYER'S TITLE" Argentina AZUL TV Nora Seoane Directora de Adquisiciones Brazil MULTIRIO Liliam Oswaldo Cruz Directora de Adquisiciones MULTIRIO Jorge Martins Director de Programacion TV ESCOLA Rogerio Soaros Director General RADIO E TELEVISAO BANDEIRANTES Elisa Ayub Directora de Adquisiciones Bolivia RADIODIFUSORAS POPULARES S.A. Jean Claude Eiffel Director de Programación BOLIVISION Mauricio Mendez Vice President RED UNITEL Alberto Wichtendhal Gerente de Programación ATB CANAL 9 Claudia Fernandez Gerente de Programación RED UNO DE BOLIVIA Maria Carola Arze Jefe de Programación Chile CHILEVISION Carmen de Gonzalez Gerente de Programacion RED TELEVISIVA MEGAVISION José Miguel Sanchez Gerente de Programacion CORPORACION DE TV UC DE VALPARAISO Guillermo Lay Arcos Gerente General TELEVSION NACIONAL DE CHILE Jaime de Aguirre Gerente de Programación Colombia CANAL CAPITAL Yolanda Gomez Torres Gerente general CITY TV Andres Agudelo Director de Programacion Costa Rica SINART CANAL 13 Oscar Aguilar Bulgarelli Director general Cuba RTV COMERCIAL Adolfo Haidar Torres Gerente de Compras Raúl Corratgé Director Comercial Ecuador TC TELEVISION Blanca Ugarte Directora de Programación ECUAVISA Xavier Alvarado Vice Presidente TELEAMAZONAS Bella Guerrero Vice Presidente de Programación USA LAPTV Guillermo Sierra VP Networks Guatemala DIRECCION GENERAL DE RADIO Y TV NACIONAL Mario Quintana Director general Honduras SOTEL CANAL 11 Mauricio Molina Jefe de Programación CORPORACION TELEVICENTRO Milton Diaz Monterroso Jefe de Programación CANAL CATOLICO - 48 Fernando Agüero Gerente General CANAL 6 TELEVISION Rafael Tadeo Nodarse Vice Presidente de Programación Mexico CANAL 22 Enrique Strauss Director General CNI CANAL 40 Hector Abadie Director de Programación ONCE TV / XEIPN Enrique Quintero Marmol Director de Adquisiciones Int SISTEMA DE RADIO Y TV MEXIQUENSE Victor San Juan Montiel Director de Programación Nicaragua CANAL 6 Siney Pratt Director general Panamá FETV - CANAL 5 Itzel Vazquez Directora de Programacion Paraguay TV ACCION TELEFUTURO Eric Jurgensen Director General TELEVISORA PARAGUAYA Juan Carlos Galeano Garcia Gerente de Programacion Perú PANAMERICANA TELEVISION Federico Anchorena Gerente general AUSTRAL TELEVISION Elizabeth Revolledo Gerente de Programación AMERICA TELEVISION Carlos Espinosa Gerente de Programación IRTP - CANAL 7 Angela Delgado Gerente de Programación Dominican Republic TELEANTILLAS Guido German Director de Programacion y Adquisiciones TELEMICRO CANAL 5 Francisco Maldonado Gerente de Programación El Salvador TELEVISION CULTURAL EDUCATIVA CANAL 10 Tomás Panameño Director General Uruguay MONTE CARLO TELEVISION Enrique Garcia Fuentes Gerente de Programacion CANAL 3 DITAPLUS S.A Carlos Enrique Dogliani Gerente Venezuela CORPORACION TELEVEN Gustavo Grossman Vice Presidente de Programacion VENEZOLANA DE TELEVISION Carlos Marquez Jefe de Programación VENEVISION Soledad Leiva Gerente de Adquisiciones Internacionales CONTACTS Latin America: Philippe Person Calle 90 N° 11 - 44 Of . 403 Bogota Phone: 571 611 09 48 Fax: 571 611 09 13 E.mail: USA and Canada: Karim Habib 2055 Center Avenue, Suite PH-B Fort Lee, NJ 07024 Phone: 1 917 679 70 70 Fax: 1 201 944 07 81 E.mail: France and Europe: Carol Noriega 4 bis rue Saint Sauveur 75002 Paris Phone. 33 1 42 33 34 00 Fax. 33 1 42 33 34 99 E. mail:
participants (1)
Karim Habib