Hello, I’d like to introduce myself, I am Hazel Meeks from Imprint Pictures which is a new production company based in the UK. I have a feature film script entitled ‘Finding Beethoven’ which I think would make a fantastic co-production between the UK and Germany and be of interest to your company. If you would like to make an appointment for a meeting in Cannes please contact myself on +44 7789 430 890 (I will be using this number in Cannes), or e-mail to arrange a time on / Myself and business partner Ian Grey will be at the festival and available from 17th to 28th May. Below is an outline of the project, if you would like to read the script ahead of a meeting just let me know. I look forward to meet in you in person. Take Care Hazel Meeks SYNOPSIS: FINDING BEETHOVEN, a cross between LOVE ACTUALLY and SHINE, is the story of a young burnout who finds passion in the most unlikely place. Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly… Tom Baxter is drowning. He has a dead end job, domestic issues, not to mention he’s just been dumped by his girlfriend. Worst of all, he’s lost the most important thing in his life – passion. But when an old university buddy invites him to Germany, a trip to Beethoven’ s house throws a lifeline that could change his world forever. TOM BAXTER has problems. He’s about to lose his job. His girlfriend. His san ity. Until he receives a postcard from an old university buddy inviting him to Germany for a visit. Life at home isn’t great. After his mother’s death from alcohol poisoning five years before, dad is having a hard time communicating with his son. Frosty breakfasts served here daily. So Tom decides to take a break and visit his friend, OLAF, in Bonn. While there, TOM visits the birthplace of Beethoven, the city’s favourite son. He enters a room which contains the last piano Beethoven ever composed on. It sits there majestically. While no one is looking, Tom slips a hand inside the locked instrument and manages to play one of the notes. This single spontaneous out-of-character action changes Tom’s life forever. Shortly after this incident, he is consumed by a life force that turbo-charges his senses. His hair starts to sprout, his hearing dulls and his musical talent which has, until now, been non-existent, erupts. With the help of a stranger who appears to him sporadically, Tom rediscovers his zest for life. He even finds love in the form of German dance choreographer GAIL. After a while, Tom’s father pays him a visit in Bonn. Dad reveals he has cancer and only a few months to live. They discuss the death of Tom’s mother for the first time. Tom reconciles with his father. Meanwhile, journalist Olaf has had the screws put on him by his editor. Tom’s flatmate has been issued with an ultimatum. Get a scoop or face the sack. Under pressure, Olaf is tempted to reveal all about the amazing story unravelling in his flat. As Tom continues to compose the tenth, Olaf is working on his own little composition - the story of Tom, ‘FINDING BEETHOVEN’. But Olaf shines. He never posts the story thus cementing his friendship with Tom. As a thank you, Tom lets Olaf break the story to the world’s press of the discovery of a manuscript which contains Beethoven’s completed tenth symphony, thus rescuing Olaf’s flagging reputation. Tom, with the spirit of the great bard inside him, has accomplished one of the greatest tasks of the 21st century – the completion of Beethoven’s tenth symphony. It is performed in the Beethovenhalle in Bonn one time only for the benefit of the world’s press, in aid of Cancer Research. After the concert, Tom, who has been conducting, collapses backstage and flatlines. He ‘dies’ then comes back to life. And so, life goes on. Beethoven’s influence may be gone but Tom’s passion remains. He marries GAIL, moves to Berlin to teach (nothing musical), and becomes best friends with OLAF who moves there with him. Gail gives birth to a son, LUDWIG, who displays incredible musical promise. Tom has finally found his passion and, with it, contentment and happiness. Life will never be the same again. Hazel Meeks Director 7 Firs Close Hazlemere High Wycombe BUCKS, HP15 7TF, United Kingdom Tel: +44 7789 430 890
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