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Dear Friends WIDE is pleased to inform you that the a.m Film won its eighth price during the last MedFilm Festival in Roma. QUAND TU DESCENDRAS DU CIEL - FROM HEAVEN Date : 19th March 2003 runtime : 100 minutes Directed by : Eric Guirado Casting : Benoît Giros, Serge Riaboukine, Jean-François Gallote, Valérie Moreau. Synopsis : A drama about homelessness. A gifted but down on his luck farmer, Jerome, travels to the city in order to find a paying job. He is eventually paired with van driver Lucien, who drives around the city picking up the homeless, the unemployed, and the indigent and evicting them from the town. Jerome eventually questions the morality of his actions, while also building a tentative relationship with his estranged sister. Awards : - Angers European First Film Festival, Audience Award, February 2003. - Angers Festival, Best male interpretation for Benoît Giros, February 2003. - Mulhouse Festival, Audience Award, March 2003. - La Ciotat Berceau de Florence Festival, Special Price of Jury, June 2003. - Braunschweig FilmFest in Germany, Audience Award, Novembre 2003. - Florence Fance Cinema Festival,Special Price of Jury, November 2003. - Florence Fance Cinema Festival, Great price of students, November 2003. Please find hereby several websites where you can get further informations about the film : www.quandtudescendrasduciel.com www.lesfilmsdulosange.com www.antefilms.com www.berceau-cinema.com www.filmfest-braunscheig.de www.medfilmfestival.it www.francecinema.it www.premiersplans.org www.tempesta.fr www.widemanagement.com Please note that the film is now sold at this stay, for the french territories (France, Belgium, Swizerland, Luxembourg). If you feel that this movie could catch your attention or fulfil your company exigencies, do not hesitate to contact us for availabilities, screening VHS, and further information. With my very best regards Matteo Lovadina Intl. Sales Manager WIDE MANAGEMENT 42bis, rue de Lourmel 75015 Paris T: + 33 1 53 95 04 64 F: + 33 1 53 95 04 65
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