WIDE at EFM 2005 - Berlin - Line up & Meeting Schedule

Dear Friends, WIDE will attend the upcoming E.F.M. 2005 in Berlin, from the 10th till the 20th of February 2005. Please find here attached our line up in Adobe .pdf format. WIDE will be located at the Unifrance Booth N° 60, stand n° 10 (Telephone : + 49 30 600 34 360 - Fax : + 49 30 600 34 359) If you wish to schedule a meeting, please complete the following and return it via e-mail at wide@widemanagement.com or by fax to the following number: + 33 1 53 95 04 65 Name(s) : Company : Date : Time : Waiting to meet you soon, All our best regards. WIDE Attending the E.F.M. Loic Magneron : +33 6 60 43 96 86 Agathe Valentin : +33 6 62 44 92 35 Matteo Lovadina : +33 6 14 45 62 78 To unsubscribe to this newsletter please send an email at nonews@widemanagement.com
participants (1)
Wide Management