FILMFESTIVALS.COM WEEKLY NEWSLETTER N° 231: june 20 -27, 2005 Search tips for our website at the bottom Subscribe and unsubscribe options at bottom Contact our editor: mailto:editor@filmfestivals.com Advertise: mailto:bruno@filmfestivals.com ______________________________________________________________ NEW SERVICES LAUNCHED DURING CANNES Filmfestivals successfully launched 2 new services during Cannes: - FilmFestivalsTV: an innovative VideoBLOG at http://www.filmfestivalstv.com/ This type of collaborative professionnal blog will soon become the must for major festivals. (ask for our help to launch them using our platform, expertise and visibility) - VideoSteps: burn your Cannes DVD: for those who have walked up the Red Carpet or for those who wish they did Videosteps offers a donwloadable file or DVD souvenir. http://www.videosteps.com/ Try these new services and feel free to share comments, suggestions... _________________________________________________________ NEWS FROM FESTIVALS * Bi coastal celebration of Queer cinema * In the city of Angels, The Los Angeles Festival flies again * Cambridge Film Festival highlights to watch for * Ampfest celebrates surf and skate culture in coastal communities * Melbourne highlights preview * Silverdocs rides non fiction wave * Cinema Expo 2005 highlights: * Cine Vegas Film Festival Rolls the Dice and Hits Lucky Seven * Sydney Film Festival sparkling opening * Films competing in Rhodes EcoFilms Fest * DIIFF wrapped in Dubrovnik, The Festivity Town http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/festivalsnews.shtml ______________________________________________________________ AWARDS * The Transilvania International Film Festival awards * Newfest announces winners * Over The Fence Comedy Film Festival Awards * Zlin Film Festival for Children and Youth awards * Cracow awards announced http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/festivals_wrapup.shtml _____________________________________________________________ MONETIZE YOUR DIGITAL RIGHTS Filmfestivals Entertainment Group acquires digital rights CATALOGS for worldwide distribution to 8 digital networks : Videophones: 2,5G, 3G , Gamepads, Online viewing, TV digital VOD, TV IP channels, New digital networks, DVD, Digital cinema... email bruno@filmfestivals.com find the video of the Cannes Market Panel May 14 4 pm online on http://www.filmfestivalspro.com http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/05/march/sfda.shtml ___________________________________________________________ FEST PLAYERS FOCUS * Non Stop Film Festival Blog by Gene Grant * Meet Emily Watson and Peter Medak (from Dubrovnik) * Christopher Walken from Dubrovnik * Young Chicago film critics will fly to Gifoni * Mary Haron to be honored at Provincetown Fest http://www.filmfestivals.com/fr/index.shtml _____________________________________________________________ NEWS FROM OUR PARTNERS The Oporto International Film Festival, now going to its 26th edition, specializes in fantasy and science-fiction films in its Official Competitive section. Watch the photo gallery from the 2005 edition: http://www.filmfestivals.com/pixus/galerie/fantasporto/index.htm ________________________________________________________ LAST MINUTE TRAVELS PLANS FOR FESTS? "One Stop Shop" to book hotels, flights, rental car, etc.. http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/useful_info.shtml _____________________________________________________________ THE NEWS " IN FRENCH " l'actu des festivals francophones * Palmarès du Festival du Creusot * Retour d'Annecy: impressions animées * Les lauréats de Prends ça court! * Annecy est à nouveau la capitale du film d'animation * Annecy l'animation est à la fête * Ouverture du soutien aux entreprises extra-européennes * Festival de video de différence * Le Festival du Film Français de Tel-Aviv en action * Agde au rythme des hérauts du cinéma * La Fondation Liban Cinéma était à Cannes * Orange Film Court remet ses prix à Cannes * PARIS CINEMA 2005 du 29 juin au 12 juillet / 3e édition http://www.filmfestivals.com/fr/index.shtml ______________________________________________________________ FESTIVALS AGENDA Festivals calling for your films... This week, this month, the BULLETIN BOARD... http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/deadlines.shtml ASPIRING FEST REPORTERS WANTED Share your Festival experiences with us. Be a filmfestival reporter and ambassador. mailto:editor@filmfestivals.com ______________________________________________________________ D-CINEMA NEWS * Animago Awards at fmx/05 * X|Media|Lab International Lab in Singapore * The ADMC Digital Media Initiative http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/dcinema.shtml ______________________________________________________________ FILM FROM FEST FOCUS * Sydney film festival opens with My Summer of Love * The 2nd Annual New York PitchXchange week end * Durban Festival to showcase best of south african films http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/films.shtml ______________________________________________________________ FESTIVALS AGENDA Festivals calling for your films... This week, this month, the BULLETIN BOARD... http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/deadlines.shtml ______________________________________________________________ CALL FOR ENTRIES ONLINE SUBMISSIONS Filmmakers don't miss these ones! 1) 26th OPORTO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL
From February 24th till March 4th The Oporto International Film Festival, now going to its 26th edition, specializes in fantasy and science-fiction films in its Official Competitive section. The Festival runs now in 4 theatres (2,600 seats altogether ) and screens nearly new 200 feature films each year. http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/05/may/fantasporto.shtml
2) SAN DIEGO INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S FILM FESTIVAL October 21 - 30, 2005 San Diego International Children's Film Festival will showcase full-length films for children of all ages & teens, shorts for children ages 7 & under, Oct. 21-30 at Museum of Photographic Arts in San Diego's historic Balboa Park. Call for entries now open, continues through Aug. 31: http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/05/may/sandiego.shtml 3) PALM SPRINGS INT'L FESTIVAL OF SHORT FILMS & FILM MARKET September 20-26, 2005 Eleventh Annual ShortsFest presenting over 300 shorts on three screens with Film Market facilities featuring over 2000 shorts. 20 awards in 10 categories with $30,000.00 in cash prizes, film stock and production services. AMPAS Recognized Festival. Call for entry, application form and info: http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/05/march/palm_springs.shtml 4) ACTION/CUT SHORT FILM COMPETITION August 15-31, 2005 Call for entries Opening January 15, 2005 Categories: Fiction - Documentary - Animation Prizes: $35,000 Cash & Hollywood Career Access & Sponsor Awards Over 100+ Prizes More than any festival or contest in the world including opening film industry career doors to the winning filmmakers. http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/04/december/actioncut.shtml 5) NEW YORK FILM AND VIDEO FESTIVAL The New York International Independent Film and Video Festival (NYIIFVF) returns to New York for a week of screenings, premieres, performances, panels and parties. http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/04/july/nyiifvf.shtml 6) See your Banner blinking on Filmfestivals.com HOMEPAGE linked to your online Call for Entries on our Bulletin Board. Maximize film entries. Email our COO Bruno Chatelin bruno@filmfestivals.com for a detailed proposition http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/bulletin_board.pdf ______________________________________________________________ A few searching tips: Use the pro site for advanced search, reserved for precise, exhaustive festival details (still free) http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/ffs/searchpro.shtml Search for film http://www.filmfestivals.com/ffs/film/search_film.htm http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/index.shtml Add your festival in our database (3,200 listed worldwide and growing ) http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/ffs/new_fest.shtml Update Festival details, add press release... http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/ffs/organis.shtml Enter your film for consideration (9,000 and growing) http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/ffs/new_film.shtml MORE festival news at http://www.filmfestivals.com Film pros: http://www.filmfestivalspro.com French focus: http://www.filmfestivals.fr Film & Festival DATA BASE management http://www.filmfestivalsPRO.com ______________________________________________________________ To subscribe to our newsletter: send a blank email to newsletter-subscribe@films-festivals.com or click on mailto:newsletter-subscribe@films-festivals.com To unsubscribe to our newsletter: send a blank email to newsletter-unsubscribe@films-festivals.com ______________________________________________________________ This weekly e-newsletter is intended for subscribers only. Please feel free to forward it to other colleagues; Subscription is free of charge. For re-publication or copying requests, please contact us at: editor@filmfestivals.com Copyright (c) 2005 Filmfestivals. All Rights Reserved. _______________________________________________
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