Dear MIF participant, Eurodata TV will be present at the MIF 2002, on May 17th, 21st and 22nd. Whether you are a producer, a TV program sales or acquisitions executive, a broadcaster, a marketing and strategic planner, a copyrights organisation or even a legal department, you will find our services to be indispensable ! Good knowledge for audience ratings is becoming an important stake in determining the right marketing plan for your movies on TV and to deduce the best programming for them. This knowledge is necessary on an international front, as all marketing plans nowadays involve the international exploitation of your rights. It is also important for you to control the use of your rights through the sales you carry out all around the world. Based on a partnership with all the national people meter companies, Eurodata TV, the international databank for TV logs and ratings in 70 territories and covering more than 600 channels all around the world, is the essential partner to help you in such management of your rights. Our B-Right service (Broadcast Rights Verification) allows you to control the actual runs of programs on TV, that you manage and protect. Eurodata TV can certify the exact number of broadcast programmes on a foreign channel and provides you with the exact date and starting time. The audience ratings can also be delivered. Our yearly reports, " One Television year in the world " and " One Cinema Year on TV in the World " analyse TV viewing and list the favourite programs and will give you a worldwide overview of the TV consumption and national landscape. Please do contact me as I am certain that it would be useful for at least one of your team members to meet me, as we currently have many clients around the world who find our services to be unique. I have attached a BRIEF document which illustrates who we are. Please contact me to settle an appointment : - either by email : spasques@mediametrie.fr - or by phone : 33(0)1 47 58 97 08 or 33 (0) 6 14 89 27 78 during the festival - or by fax : 33 (0) 1 47 58 64 24 (See attached file: Eurodata TV Short Presentation 2002.pps) ==================== Stéphanie PASQUES Médiamétrie 55/63 rue Anatole France 92532 Levallois-Perret Cedex - France http://www.mediametrie.fr Tél : 33 1 47 58 97 08 Fax : 33 1 47 58 64 24 spasques@mediametrie.fr Ce message est confidentiel et établi à l'intention exclusive de ses destinataires. Tout message électronique étant susceptible d'altération, la société Médiamétrie décline toute responsabilité s'il a été altéré, déformé ou falsifié. This message is confidential and intended solely for the addressees. E-mails are susceptible to alteration. Neither Médiamétrie company shall be liable for the message if altered, changed or falsified.
participants (1)