DREAM ENTERTAINMENT IS PROUD TO PRESENT ONE OF THIS YEARS MOST UP-LIFTING FILMS! NEVER AGAIN US Theatrical Release scheduled for March, 2002 by USA Films directed by Eric Schaeffer -If Lucy Fell;My Lifes In Turnaround; Wirey Spindell Starring Multiple Oscar Nominee-Jill Clayburgh (Going All The Way,Unmarried Woman) Jeffrey Tambor (GirlInterrupted,Theres Something About Mary) A divorcee vows to never again to fall in love right before she meets the love of her life. Variety: a hugely enjoyable romantic comedy...Smart, sassy, and slickly packaged indie production could score impressive midrange box-office IMDb.com- Movie of the Day: Never Again uses its truly special lead performances to pull off one of the most amazing high-wire acts of the year SCREENINGS AT LONDON 2001: Tuesday, October 23rd, at 3:00 pm - Odeon Mezzanine 1 Thursday, October 25 , at 11:00 am- Odeon Mezzanine 1 SCREENINGS AT MIFED 2001: TBD London: Le Meridien,Room 242 MIFED: Hall D4, No. 461 For meetings at the markets, please contact us via fax (323) 655-5603 or email dreamenter@aol.com
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