OXFORD International Festival of Films

{http://www.TheMegahitMovies.com/indexmain.htm} {http://www.TheHollywoodReporter.com} {http://www.TheMegahitMovies.com/rmpromo.htm} *Richard Michaels Stefanik {http://www.TheMegahitMovies.com/rmpromo.htm}* ** The Megahit Movies Hollywood Story Design Consultations {http://www.TheMegahitMovies.com/Hollywood2006.htm} */Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel January 14-15, 2006 /* Schedule a Personal Story Consultation $99 for a 60 minute story consultation session! This is a chance for a screenwriter to have a one-on-one hour story consultation with Richard Michaels Stefanik. Included will be a FREE copy of The Megahit Movies book ($24.99 value for 502 pages ). A writer would email Richard a 1-3 page story synopsis before the session which will then be discussed in detail for one hour during the personal meeting. "THE MEGAHIT MOVIES perfectly exemplifies the commercially focused "how-to" screenplay book. This book is specifically for screenwriters who want to learn how to write the most commercial money-making "megahit" that they can." C/reative Screenwriting Magazine, Nov-Dec 2005/ ** **Special Event in Oxford, England Richard Michaels Stefanik Story Design for Creating Popular Hollywood Movies Sheldonian Theater May 9-10, 2006 www.OxfordFestivalFilms.com {http://www.OxfordFestivalFilms.com} {http://www.mmsysgrp.com/AllSouls/AllSouls.ram} {http://www.mmsysgrp.com/BodleianLibrary/BodleianLibrary.ram} {http://www.mmsysgrp.com/DivinitySchool/DivinitySchool.ram} ** {http://www.mmsysgrp.com/Paris/LeDefenseurDuTemps.ram} {http://www.festival-cannes.fr/index.php?langue=6002} ** Richard Michaels Stefanik {mailto:rms@themegahitmovies.com} RMS Productions Company {http://www.TheMegahitMovies.com/rmpromo.htm} RMS Global Digital BroadBandCasting Network {http://www.TheMegahitMovies.com/iptv.htm} ** Copyright 1996-2006 by Richard Michaels Stefanik All Rights Reserved. -- <b>To unsubscribe from this list</b> send an email to <a HREF="mailto:rms@TheMegahitMovies.com"><b>rms@TheMegahitMovies.com</a></b> with the word <b>UNSUBSCRIBE</b> in the subject line of the message. -- Powered by PHPlist, www.phplist.com --
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