LAST MINUTE !!! CANNES MAY 12/23 2004 !!!

Dear Participant, Attached please find the reservation coupon with last minute rates for a Cellular Phone or free Sim Card rental during your stay in Cannes. Simply print and return the coupon via fax: + 33 493 68 17 77 Upon reception of your reservation, we will return a confirmation within 24 hours, informing you of your pre-assigned phone number. You will enjoy Free incoming calls, free voice mail, free technical assistance 24/7 during the festival. Our agency is located 5 minutes walking distance from the Palais. You will save money renting a mobile !!! rent a french line instead of paying extremely expensive roaming rates ! We look forward to serving you and wish you a successful business trip. Best regards, Patricia Lauren Sales & Reservations Dept., France rentacellfrance ___________________________________ 12-14 Rond Point des Champs Elysées F-75008 PARIS / FRANCE T F ___________________________________ 72 rue d'Antibes F-06400 Cannes / FRANCE T F ___________________________________ This message and any attachments (the "message") is intended solely for the addressees and is confidential. If you receive this message in error, please delete it and immediately notify the sender. Any use not in accord with its purpose, any dissemination or disclosure, either whole or partial, is prohibited except formal approval. The internet can not guarantee the integrity of this message. RENTACELL (and its subsidiaries) shall (will) not therefore be liable for the message if modified. ___________________________________ Ce message et toutes les pièces jointes (ci-après le "message") sont établis a l'intention exclusive de ses destinataires et sont confidentiels. Si vous recevez ce message par erreur, merci de le détruire et d'en avertir immédiatement l'expéditeur. Toute utilisation de ce message non conforme a sa destination, toute diffusion ou toute publication, totale ou partielle, est interdite, sauf autorisation expresse. L'Internet ne permettant pas d'assurer l'intégrité de ce message, RENTACELL (et ses filiales) décline(nt) toute responsabilité au titre de ce message, dans l'hypothèse ou il aurait été modifie
participants (1)
Cannes 2004 - Cell phone Service