FilmFestivals NewsLetter N°217

FILMFESTIVALS.COM WEEKLY NEWSLETTER N° 217: January 27 - February 4, 2004 We have just finished upgrading our servers with new equipment W ith 2 new servers (high end bi-processors with 150 GB Raid redundant disks). For your comfort: a Faster access to our database and library of past art ic es. Sorry for any inconvenience in our service during the past week. A few searching tips: Use the pro site reserved for precise, exhaustive festival details (still free) <> Search for film <> Add your festival in our database (3,200 listed worldwide and growing ) <> Update Festival details, add press release... Enter your film for consideration (9,000 and growing) <> Filmfestivals is associated with the launch of ADMC Antipolis Digital Media Cluster: a cluster initiative based at AIC, Sophia Antipolis Filmfestival is a proud sponsor of the inaugural International Worshop dedicated to Digital Media for Multi-Platforms February 1st at Sophia Antipolis : ask us for your invitations <> Contact our editor: <> Advertise: <> ______________________________________________________________ NEWS FROM FESTIVALS * Wilmington Festival will expose community mission * Adelaide Film Festival Kicks off * Santa Fe Festival Launching By Popular Demand * Berlin Forum Focuses on Innovative Debuts * Vic Independent Line Up * Twin Sundance opening with Happy Endings and Layer Cake * Tromso Festival opens the European Fest season * Slamdance "by filmmakers for filmmakers" ______________________________________________________________ FEST PLAYERS FOCUS * Lost in Park City * Jeff Chung, becomes HIFFs new President and Chairman * Parties In Park City or SWAGing in the Rockies * Dante feretti, W Salles and Emi Wada at Berlinale Talent Campus * Slamdance welcomes Kathleen McInnis as New Director for 11th fest: * Leslie Caron & Rutger Hauer to be honored at Sarasota Fest __________________________________________________________ LAST MINUTE TRAVELS PLANS FOR SUNDANCE? "One Stop Shop" to book hotels, flights, rental car, SKIS etc.. ______________________________________________________________ AWARDS * House of Flying Daggers receives the Sattelite Award * The First Annual Zoom In Awards * Golden Globe awards Sideways and Aviator * BAFTA nominations announced: The Aviator flies high ______________________________________________________________ NEWS FROM OUR PARTNER SONY DIGITALMASTER TAPE Ditch the Glitches * Designed for any mini-DV or DVCAM(tm) camcorders, * DigitalMaster(tm) tape is far from ordinary. Click here for more info:;10848566;10287932;n?http://digitalmastertape.c om/ _____________________________________________________________ THE NEWS " IN FRENCH " l'actu des festivals francophones * MIPDOC vitrine du Documentaire en Avril prochain * Festival international de films de Fribourg 19e édition du 6 au 13 mars 2005 * 18èmes Rencontres Cinéma de Manosque * CLAP 89 18e Festival International de Court Métrage Amateur * Le VI Marché de l'Audiovisuel "Europe-Amérique Latine" * Philippe Ogouz le nouveau Président de l 'Adami * Les Golden Globe qui annoncent les Oscars... * Pupi Avati dirigera le jury du concours "L'anima del cinema" * Dreamworks fête ses dix ans à Imagina ______________________________________________________________ FESTIVALS AGENDA Festivals calling for your films... This week, this month, the BULLETIN BOARD... ASPIRING FEST REPORTERS WANTED Share your Festival experiences with us. Be a filmfestival reporter and ambassador. ______________________________________________________________ D-CINEMA NEWS * IDIFF opening conference February 2 * Digital Media for Multi-Platforms Panel from ADMC on February 1 in Sophia Antipolis * Digital focus at Sundance * IDIFF dedicated to digital cinema next February ______________________________________________________________ FILM FROM FEST FOCUS * A new cluster initiative based at AIC, Sophia Antipolis * Action / Cut winners showcase, watch them online * comedy storms Slamdance: Its snowing laughs in PC ! * Man To Man , Régis Wargnier Berlin opener * Jackson Hole Film Institute new measures for independent film * PAFF Opening Night Gala! * Don Roos ' Happy Endings : Sundance opener * A new cluster initiative based at AIC, Sophia Antipolis * Rotterdam to open with Depardon and close with Miyazaki ______________________________________________________________ FESTIVALS AGENDA Festivals calling for your films... This week, this month, the BULLETIN BOARD... ______________________________________________________________ CALL FOR ENTRIES ONLINE SUBMISSIONS Filmmakers don't miss these ones! 1)TAHOE/RENO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (T-RIFF) August 24-28, 2005 Call for Films & Short Scripts Deadlines for both: May 30, 2005 Script Competion: Winner's script produced & screened at the Festival. $10,000 Value. T-RIFF is a 5 day exploration of discovery thru socially relevent & spirited film contributions. Enjoy the new $6.7 million Hospitality Center for socializing & meetings. Premier venue: Sand Harbor, a "starlit amphitheater," one of American's most prestigious outdoor locations. 2) ADMC PANEL ON DIGITAL MEDIA FOR MULTI PLATFORM February 1 in Sophia Antipolis The ADMC (ANTIPOLIS DIGITAL MEDIA CLUSTER) is organizing an international workshop on Digital Media for Multi-Platforms Tuesday, February 1st, 2005, from 9:30 to 19:00 at AIC (Antipolis Innovation Center), Sophia-Antipolis, France. INVITATION on demand 3) BOULDER ADVENTURE FILM FESTIVAL April 23 - 25, 2004 Films that span the range of human endeavor from ocean to mountain to urban perspectives and the abounding energy that makes up the human spirit. Boulder Adventure Film Festival is an international festival created in order to share, collaborate and inspire. We believe in the power of the story, especially the narrative of adventure and awakening, to change and challenge the world we live in. 4) ACTION/CUT SHORT FILM COMPETITION August 15-31, 2005 Call for entries Opening January 15, 2005 Categories: Fiction - Documentary - Animation Prizes: $35,000 Cash & Hollywood Career Access & Sponsor Awards Over 100+ Prizes More than any festival or contest in the world including opening film industry career doors to the winning filmmakers. 5) NEW YORK FILM AND VIDEO FESTIVAL Miami February 10th - February 13th The New York International Independent Film and Video Festival (NYIIFVF) returns to Miami for 3 days of screenings, premieres, performances, panels and parties. 6) 4th BEVERLY HILLS FILM FESTIVAL April 13-17, 2005 Beverly Hills Film Festival April 13-17, 2005 is now acepting entries Call for Entries: deadline : january 1st, 2005 7) See your Banner blinking on HOMEPAGE linked to your online Call for Entries on our Bulletin Board. Maximize film entries. Email our COO Bruno Chatelin for a detailed proposition ______________________________________________________________ MORE festival news at Film pros: French focus: Film & Festival DATA BASE management ______________________________________________________________ To subscribe to our newsletter: send a blank email to or click on To unsubscribe to our newsletter: send a blank email to ______________________________________________________________ This weekly e-newsletter is intended for subscribers only. Please feel free to forward it to other colleagues; Subscription is free of charge. For re-publication or copying requests, please contact us at: Copyright (c) 2005 Filmfestivals. All Rights Reserved. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
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