Hollywood Story Design Consultations : Jan. 21-22, 2006

{http://www.TheMegahitMovies.com} Richard Michaels Stefanik Story Design Consultations Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel January 21-22, 2006 {http://www.TheMegahitMovies.com/Hollywood2006.htm} Schedule a Personal Story Design Consultation $99 for a 60 minute story consultation session! This is a chance for a screenwriter to have a one-on-one hour story consultation with Richard Michaels Stefanik. A free copy of The Megahit Movies book (502 pages $24.99 value) is included with the session. A writer would email Richard a 1-3 page story synopsis before the session which will then be discussed in detail for one hour during the personal meeting. If you cannot come to Hollywood, an hour online chat session can be scheduled to discuss your story. **www.TheMegahitMovies.com {http://www.TheMegahitMovies.com} "THE MEGAHIT MOVIES perfectly exemplifies the commercially focused "how-to" screenplay book. This book is specifically for screenwriters who want to learn how to write the most commercial money-making "megahit" that they can." /Creative Screenwriting Magazine, Nov-Dec 2005/ ** * The Megahit Movies Book* The new 502 page edition analyzes *The Megahit Movies*, those films which have generated more than $250 million in North American Box Office receipts. It presents principles of story construction that can be used to develop popular movies by providing an analysis of cinematic techniques. It also offers stimulating ideas that can be helpful in the creative process. The book is designed for writers, directors and producers who want to create commercially successful films. The fundamentals of dramatic structure, the human emotions, and the construction of humorous characters and situations are explained, with examples drawn from some of the most popular motion pictures Hollywood has ever produced. This book discusses the recent megahit-blockbuster movies such as SPIDER-MAN, SHREK, HARRY POTTER, BRUCE ALMIGHTY, MATRIX TRILOGY, FINDING NEMO, PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN and THE LORD OF THE RINGS. {http://www.SherwoodOaksCollege.com} **January 19-21, 2006 Meetings with Production Company Executives** **** **** At Sherwood Oaks emerging writers can meet and chat with major producers, writers, agents, directors and actors. And the best part is that for nearly all of the situations we set up, the guests are willing to accept material directly from our small group of writers, whether they have representation or not. Sherwood Oaks Experimental College specializes in organizing screenwriting events which gives writers access to the top agents, producers and studio executives in Hollywood. It brings in industry players to personally meet with writers and keeps the groups small to allow the writers to interact with each and every guest. In 2005 James Cameron, Kevin Costner, David Duchovney, Morgan Freeman, Michael London, Gary Marshall, Hillary Swank, David Mamet and many others have appeared. Some of the guests we plan to invite in 2006 are Michael London(Sideways), Robert Cort (Runaway Bride), Dan Jenks (American Beauty), Al Ruddy (Million Dollar Baby), Clifford Werber (A Cinderella Story) and more to be added. Sherwood Oaks Experimental College also takes small groups to award shows like the Directors Guild Award Show, the Producers Guild Awards, the Writers Guild Awards, and the Emmys. It has held screenwriting events at many Hollywood Studios, including Universal , Sony, MGM, FOX, and Paramount. For info call (323) 851-1769. {http://www.WritersChannel.net} {http://www.writersstore.com} **Richard Michaels Stefanik RMS PRODUCTIONS COMPANY rms@TheMegahitMovies.com {mailto:rms@TheMegahitMovies.com} www.TheMegahitMovies.com {http://www.TheMegahitMovies.com} ** -- <b>To unsubscribe from this list</b> send an email to <a HREF="mailto:rms@TheMegahitMovies.com"><b>rms@TheMegahitMovies.com</a></b> with the word <b>UNSUBSCRIBE</b> in the subject line of the message. -- Powered by PHPlist, www.phplist.com --
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