Greeting to all my friend! Cannes56@Filmstudio.Rwth-Aachen.De, Here is my latest contact info for your records. If you want my contact info automatically updated in your address book or if you want to get your address book up-to-date, you should try Plaxo too. My current contact information: +----------------- | Swiss Teo | swiss@swissteo.com.sg | M.D. | | Swissteo Music International Pte Ltd | 37, Tannery Lane | #06-05 Tannery House | Singapore 327790 | work: +65 62809033 | fax: +65 63821733 | mobile: +65 97993331 | web: www.st-musicworld.com +------------------------------------- ____________________________________________________________ This message was sent to you by swiss@swissteo.com.sg via Plaxo. To opt out: https://www.plaxo.com/opt_out?r=32928-24699010--770956045 Plaxo's Privacy Policy: http://www.plaxo.com/support/privacy