Dear Joachim, I hope this email finds you very well and that you had a successful Cannes Film Market this year. First off, we would like to extend our thanks to you and Jens Aperdannier for attending our screening of “Within” during Cannes on Friday, May 13th. As you may recall, unfortunately, we had a major technical problem with our soundtrack which was of course very disappointing for everyone – we have all agreed around here – NO more screenings on Friday the 13th! I wanted to touch base with you to see whether you were able to pick up a DVD screener with the correct sound elements after the screening? If not, I would be happy to forward a screener to you now for your consideration. Despite our sound troubles at the screening, overall we received great reviews on the film. The general consensus is that it is a unique and highly entertaining film. We are in the midst of working on our North American deal and hope to have news on that front soon. Please let me know your thoughts on “Within” if you were able to take a screener with you from Cannes or if I can forward a copy to you now. I look forward to your reply and hope that we maybe able to work together in future. Best regards, Sharla Bullard International Sales & Marketing H3O Filmed Entertainment/N.A.P. #705 - 1075 Barclay Street Vancouver, B.C. V6E 1G5 Canada Tel: (604) 662-3345 Fax: (604) 662-7720 HYPERLINK "http://www.h3ofilm.com/"www.h3ofilm.com Synopsis: Brad, Christina, T.K. and Kelly are on a dream, post-graduation trip to Europe. Unfortunately, what starts out as a dream quickly spirals into a nightmare. Upon entering a 14th century castle, the friends find themselves trapped in a horrifying alternate realm where violent hallucinations overtake them. A stranger emerges, shocking them with the reality of their terrifying fate: one must stay behind- alone forever within the torturous stone walls, in order for the rest of the group to escape. With time running out for the group, panic quickly changes to sheer desperation. As hope and reason disappear, anarchy takes over and violence erupts. Inner savagery can only be covered up so long before it breaks out...and when you are looking for a way out...the key to survival comes from "Within". Starring: Derek Hamilton, Amy Perfect, Fiona Glascott, Boyan Vukelic and John Tench Directors: John Curtis and Merlin Ward Producers: Rod Akizuki, Adam Betteridge, Lloyd Simandl and Rudy Gentile Executive Producers: John Curtis, David Rogers and Marco Dell'Utri Written by: Jennifer Daley, Kimberly Small and Merlin Ward Status: Completed HYPERLINK "http://www.h3ofilm.com/within" \n -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.4.0 - Release Date: 01/06/2005