FILMFESTIVALS.COM WEEKLY NEWSLETTER N° 220: February 19-26, 2005 Find search tips for our website at bottom of email. Contact our editor: mailto:editor@filmfestivals.com Advertise: mailto:bruno@filmfestivals.com ______________________________________________________________ AWARDS BERLIN WRAPS * Berlin Golden Bear to U-CARMEN eKHAYELITSHA and awards Sophie Scholl * Berlin Panorama Audience Award to Va, vis et deviens by Radu Mihaileanu * 19th Berlin Teddy Awards: the Winners are... * Berlinale Camera Awards Day Lewis, Shochiku and Helene Schwarz * Berlinale shorts Golden Bears awarded * Award-Winners of Anima Brussels * Jimmywork wins at Victoria Fest * Aviator wins 4 BAFTA, Vera Drake 3, Ray and Sunshine 2 * 2005 PAFF Awards are announced * SAG awards Jamie Foxx, Hillary Swank and Sideways http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/festivals_wrapup.shtml ______________________________________________________________ NEWS FROM FESTIVALS BERLIN IN ACTION * An American in Europe (Rotterdam, Paris, Berlin...) * Berlinale poised for growth and expansion * European Film Market 2005 in Berlin * Prizes & Party for young film professionals at Talent Campus * Teddy Berlinale "Bears " for G&L films * Berlin Panorama celebrates 20 years MORE ACTION * Montreal Festival controversial situation: dirty games in Montreal * A new Festival in Montreal * The CRAIC Film Fleadh festival highlights * 20th Mar del Plata highlights * PAFF Panels and Workshops in LA * Black Movie: Film Festival from Other Worlds * Pitch it at next Pitchfest http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/festivalsnews.shtml ______________________________________________________________ CALL FOR ENTRIES ONLINE SUBMISSIONS Filmmakers don't miss these ones! 1) 7TH ANNUAL CINEVEGAS FILM FESTIVAL June 10-18, 2005 CineVegas Film Festival is accepting entries for independent films, shorts, and documentaries until April 8. Celebrating 100 years of Vegas and 100 years of film, the festival will be held June 10-18 at the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada. World premiere films, high-profile tributes, and Vegas nightlife will all be part of the excitement. http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/05/february/cinevegas.shtml 2) SPORT MOVIES & TV FILM FESTIVAL Milan October 27 - November 1, 2005 Now accepting submissions of sports-related videos, commercials & films. Final deadline is July 1, 2005. Festival includes six Sections: 1. Olympic Spirit; 2. Documentary; 3. Sport & Society; 4. TV Sport Show; 5. Movies (shorts and long features); 6. Sport & Advertising. http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/05/february/sportmovies.shtml MORE CALL FOR ENTTRIES SEE AT THE BOTTOM ______________________________________________________________ FEST PLAYERS FOCUS BERLIN IN ACTION * Berlinale Shooting Stars unveils Europe's newest film stars * Ken Adam (Kubrick' s set designer) homage at Berlinale * Humbert Balsan EFA Chairman dies 50, honored in Berlin * Spectra 's new management team for new Montreal festival * Hotel Rwanda director's view on the film * Albert Maysles to be honored at The Chicago International Documentary Festival http://www.filmfestivals.com/fr/index.shtml __________________________________________________________ LAST MINUTE TRAVELS PLANS? "One Stop Shop" to book hotels, flights, rental car, SKIS etc.. http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/useful_info.shtml _____________________________________________________________ THE NEWS " IN FRENCH " l'actu des festivals francophones * La Movida de la Nuit blanche du 26 au 27 février * le Festival International du Film sur les Droits Humains * Le foot, lAfrique et la sexualité à lhonneur de Berlin * Black Movie, Festival de films des autres mondes * le renard de Thierry Schiel : Grand Prix Anima 2005 * La fin du Festival de Montréal? : réglement de comptes en public * Aix à l'heure hispanique en Mars prochain * Made-for-Mobile Screenings au MIPTV MILIA http://www.filmfestivals.com/fr/index.shtml ______________________________________________________________ FESTIVALS AGENDA Festivals calling for your films... This week, this month, the BULLETIN BOARD... http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/deadlines.shtml ASPIRING FEST REPORTERS WANTED Share your Festival experiences with us. Be a filmfestival reporter and ambassador. mailto:editor@filmfestivals.com ______________________________________________________________ D-CINEMA NEWS * Digital Days Festival in Santa Barbara * IDIFF opening conference February 2 * Digital Media for Multi-Platforms Panel from ADMC on February 1 in Sophia Antipolis http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/dcinema.shtml ______________________________________________________________ FILM FROM FEST FOCUS BERLIN IN ACTION * Berlin Bets on political Bears (what else is new) * A Very Black Carmen and other films of interest in Berlin * Mutterseelenallein Berlin Surprise Film 2005 * Fateless new entry in the Berlinale Competition * More dark and political films in Berlin competition * Pitching for funding opportunities at Adelaide Fest * Shooting Dogs, film about the Rwandan genocide premieres in Rwanda http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/films.shtml ______________________________________________________________ FESTIVALS AGENDA Festivals calling for your films... This week, this month, the BULLETIN BOARD... http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/deadlines.shtml ______________________________________________________________ CALL FOR ENTRIES ONLINE SUBMISSIONS Filmmakers don't miss these ones! 3) LUNAFEST FILM FESTIVAL October 2005 - March 2006 Calling for entries April 30: LUNAFEST is a national festival of films by, for and about women A wide array of topics including women's health, cultural diversity, body image, sexuality, and spirituality. Shorts, students shorts, documentaries, features, fiction, or narrative Format for entries is VHS or DVD. entry form: http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/05/february/lunafest.shtml 4) JACKSON HOLE FILM FESTIVAL June 8 - 12, 2005 Truly indie showcase, Jackson Hole Film Festival, nestled next to Grand Teton Mountains in beautiful Wyoming now accepting films for April 15, deadline. Cash prizes to top shorts & features. Download Entry form at http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/05/february/jackson_hole.shtml 5) FORT MYERS BEACH FILM FESTIVAL April 21 - 24, 2005 Accepting independent films, shorts, animated & student films for Fort Myers Beach Film Festival April 21 - 24, 2005. Theater audiences polled throughout festival & winning filmmaker gets a $1,000 check. Film buffs see quality films & fun-filled schedule includes filmmaker panels, student workshops, elegant celebrity gala. Submit before March 15 at: http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/05/february/fort_myers.shtml 6) TAHOE/RENO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (T-RIFF) August 24-28, 2005 Call for Films & Short Scripts Deadlines for both: May 30, 2005 Script Competion: Winner's script produced & screened at the Festival. $10,000 Value. T-RIFF is a 5 day exploration of discovery thru socially relevent & spirited film contributions. Enjoy the new $6.7 million Hospitality Center for socializing & meetings. Premier venue: Sand Harbor, a "starlit amphitheater," one of American's most prestigious outdoor locations. http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/05/january/tahoe.shtml 7) BOULDER ADVENTURE FILM FESTIVAL April 23 - 25, 2004 Films that span the range of human endeavor from ocean to mountain to urban perspectives and the abounding energy that makes up the human spirit. Boulder Adventure Film Festival is an international festival created in order to share, collaborate and inspire. We believe in the power of the story, especially the narrative of adventure and awakening, to change and challenge the world we live in. http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/04/december/boulder.shtml 8) ACTION/CUT SHORT FILM COMPETITION August 15-31, 2005 Call for entries Opening January 15, 2005 Categories: Fiction - Documentary - Animation Prizes: $35,000 Cash & Hollywood Career Access & Sponsor Awards Over 100+ Prizes More than any festival or contest in the world including opening film industry career doors to the winning filmmakers. http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/04/december/actioncut.shtml 9) NEW YORK FILM AND VIDEO FESTIVAL Miami February 10th - February 13th The New York International Independent Film and Video Festival (NYIIFVF) returns to Miami for 3 days of screenings, premieres, performances, panels and parties. http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/04/july/nyiifvf.shtml 10) 4th BEVERLY HILLS FILM FESTIVAL April 13-17, 2005 Beverly Hills Film Festival April 13-17, 2005 is now acepting entries Call for Entries: deadline : january 1st, 2005 http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/03/july/beverly_hills2004.shtml 11) See your Banner blinking on Filmfestivals.com HOMEPAGE linked to your online Call for Entries on our Bulletin Board. Maximize film entries. Email our COO Bruno Chatelin bruno@filmfestivals.com for a detailed proposition http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/bulletin_board.pdf ______________________________________________________________ A few searching tips: Use the pro site for advanced search, reserved for precise, exhaustive festival details (still free) http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/ffs/searchpro.shtml Search for film http://www.filmfestivals.com/ffs/film/search_film.htm http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/index.shtml Add your festival in our database (3,200 listed worldwide and growing ) http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/ffs/new_fest.shtml Update Festival details, add press release... http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/ffs/organis.shtml Enter your film for consideration (9,000 and growing) http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/ffs/new_film.shtml MORE festival news at http://www.filmfestivals.com Film pros: http://www.filmfestivalspro.com French focus: http://www.filmfestivals.fr Film & Festival DATA BASE management http://www.filmfestivalsPRO.com ______________________________________________________________ To subscribe to our newsletter: send a blank email to newsletter-subscribe@films-festivals.com or click on mailto:newsletter-subscribe@films-festivals.com To unsubscribe to our newsletter: send a blank email to newsletter-unsubscribe@films-festivals.com ______________________________________________________________ This weekly e-newsletter is intended for subscribers only. Please feel free to forward it to other colleagues; Subscription is free of charge. For re-publication or copying requests, please contact us at: editor@filmfestivals.com Copyright (c) 2005 Filmfestivals. All Rights Reserved. _______________________________________________