SERIAL KILLER DOCTOR OF 1893 HAD CREMATORIUM, ACID VATS IN CHICAGO! H.H. Holmes, America's First Serial Killer Documentary Film available for Foreign DVD, Cable and Television Distribution. http://www.hhholmesthefilm.com This biographic docudrama encompasses the life and times of the infamous Dr. H.H. Holmes. At the height of his criminal career, H.H. Holmes designed his labyrinthine castle of horrors in Chicago, where he rented rooms to unsuspecting victims visiting the 1893 World's Fair. Further benefiting from his victims, Holmes sold their skeletons to local medical schools and universities. Hollywood is buzzing with the Holmes story, as Tom Cruise produces a movie based on the New York Times best seller, "The Devil in the White City" for Paramount Pictures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- HH Holmes, America's First Serial Killer Length: 64 Minutes Format: Video, Color and Black and White Extras: 5.1 Dolby Digital, 20 minute making-of, outtakes, trailers & more U.S. Distributor: Facets Video Canada Distributor: Morningstar Entertainment Contact: John Borowski, Producer email: john@johnborowski.com Waterfront Productions 773-988-1715 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "4 STARS! Utterly compelling! Forget Freddy and Jason; H. H. Holmes was the real deal. As a fan of both the horror and true crime genres, I've gotta be honest: This is one of the best films of the year! Don't see it alone, and try not to choke on your popcorn!" - Todd D. Schwartz, CBS Radio "4 STARS, EXCELLENT! H.H. Holmes is absorbing throughout; showing a serial killer who you may not have heard of, but now you will remember him well. Reinforcements come in mighty quickly with Making of H.H. Holmes where Borowski demonstrates in 20 minutes what Hollywood should do with the making-of featurettes on their DVDs.² - Film Threat.com ³5 STARS, AWESOME! If I seem just a bit too effusive about just some little serial-killer doc and its first-time director, then forgive me. But if you spent as much time as I do watching movies as soulless as they are expensive, then you'd recognize this low-profile, high-quality docu-thriller as cause for high praise indeed.² - Scott Weinberg, efilmcritic.com "Audio and video quality are outstanding for an independent DVD release like this. It's amazing to see how much effort went into every detail of this 3 year production, nothing was left to chance. Highly recommended, check it out. - Monsters At Play.com "It took the director-writer-producer three years to make H.H. Holmes and his efforts were worth it. The result is a compelling documentary told with authority and confidence." - Rue Morgue Magazine "This impressive documentary could put Michael Moore to shame for research and great storytelling. Both Cruise and Leo would do themselves justice to watch Borowski's film." - Horror-Report.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Film Threat: http://www.filmthreat.com/Reviews.asp?Id=6416 efilm critic: http://www.efilmcritic.com/review.php?movie=11003 Monsters At Play: http://www.monstersatplay.com/review/dvd/h/holmes.php Bloody-Disgusting: http://www.bloody-disgusting.com/reviews.php?id=418 Horror-Report: http://www.horror-report.com/september2004/hhholmes.html DVD Maniacs: http://www.dvdmaniacs.net/Reviews/E-H/hhholmes.html Channel 2 News: http://www.cbs2chicago.com/special/local_story_192171552.html Chicago Sun-Times: http://www.suntimes.com/output/movies/sho-sunday-devil05.html International: Germany - Triggerfish.de http://www.triggerfish.de/magazin/home.cfm?p=7963&CFID=19912750&CFTOKEN=8795 4516 Italy - GQ Cine: http://gq.msn.it/cont/010cin/010new/0304/1100/iindex.asp