FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Phil Hobden, Modern Life? phil@mod-life.com “Left For Dead” is ready to awaken The Cannes Market “Will knock the socks off anything the US can produce…” Kungfucinema.com May 11, 2004—London, UK “Left for Dead” will change the pulse at this year’s Cannes festival. It’s a revenge thriller set in a cold and unrelenting city with suspicious characters with questioning motives. The theme deals with betrayal, revenge and the ultimate prize in a new fashion. UK film can now say it’s picking up where Guy Ritchie left it and taking it to a different dimension. Left For Dead is the first UK independent martial arts feature, a true 70's styled grindhouse action film taking it's inspiration from genre classics such as Fist Of Fury, The Killer and Police Story. Williams is an assassin, betrayed and Left For Dead by his erstwhile colleagues. Kelso is a promising young kickboxer, who has his career violently cut short. Together they must team up to take down the criminal empire that hold's their city in a vice like grip. This action thriller twister is directed by up and coming UK native Ross Boyask who is well known for his innovative and stylish short films. Ross worked with his long-time collaborator Phil Hobden of Modern Life and writer Adrian Foiadelli to create the ‘mod film style’. “Left for Dead” shows that independent filmmakers can make quality entertaining action and high paced films on a low budget just as good if not better than Tinseltown. Stars from the film have appeared in Jackie Chan’s Accidental Spy, The Purifiers, Black Mask 2, Extreme Challenge, A Better Tomorrow 2, Danny The Dog, Distant Shadow and Pure Vengeance. The film also premieres newcomer Andy Prior as the promising protégé who gives a fresh performance to action characters. The variety of character complexes and themes make “Left for Dead” a sensor intense ride that will keep you on the edge of your seat to the end. With the specialized look, unique plot twist and remarkable talent “Left for Dead” will definitely be the talk and the catch of Cannes. When and Where Palais G Theatre, 17th May 2004 @ 1400 (2pm) About Modern Life? Productions Phil Hobden created the media powerhouse with a group of highly trained media production industry veterans in 1996. Modern Life focus is creating quality and innovative media and films. We have produced over 30 short films and numerous publicity, corporate and music videos. Modern Life current project “Left for Dead” the new hi-impact action thriller feature film release will be in theatres summer 2004. Please contact Phil Hobden on +44 (0) 7786 516728 to RSVP and for press ops/ interviews and/or materials. Thank you. Or on +33 (0)674154543 from the 12th May 2004 (from 2pm) to the 21st May inclusive. www.left4dead.co.uk www.mod-life.com Phil Hobden BA(Hons) Modern Life? Incorporating Jimbo Entertainment and Big Cat Productions t: +44 (0)7786 516728 e: phil@mod-life.com www.mod-life.com www.left4dead.co.uk www.thejohnnaman.co.uk www.nw-comic.co.uk 61F Riverside Court, Coast Road, Pevensey Bay, Pevensey, BN24 6LR, UK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All outgoing emails are virus scanned with AVG & Norton Anti Virus. If you receive an email from Modern Life? which is infected please inform us. The information in this e-mail and any attachment is confidential. It is intended only for the named addressee(s). If you are not the named addressee please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose, copy or distribute the contents to any other person other than the intended addressee(s) or return email to enquires@mod-life.net ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.677 / Virus Database: 439 - Release Date: 04/05/2004