Backseat Conceptions announces Cannes 2005 line up Philadelphia based company specializes in unique productions and unique promotions with an edgy, fun twist! Backseat Conceptions is proud to announce their first film showcase at the Cannes Film Festival this year. Since the companies’ launch nearly two and a half years ago, Backseat Conceptions has become an established production and promotions entity with a wide range of projects. To arrange a meeting in Cannes May 11-22, please contact Doug Sakmann – CELL - 06 07 25 81 57 Residence Des Allees II - #32, 10 Impasse Bergerie, 06400 Cannes PHONE - 04 93 68 99 18 EMAIL _Doug@backseatconceptions.com_ (mailto:Doug@backseatconceptions.com) Backseat projects available for most territories include (screenings available upon request): PUNK ROCK HOLOCAUST (1 & 2) - A Rock and Roll, slasher/zombie comedy film produced on the 2003 Vans Warped Tour (the summer’s biggest touring rock and roll festival in the US, playing host to 50+ bands on 55 dates across the USA for the past 11 years) featuring over 23 of the biggest bands on the tour performing and meeting unique gristly deaths at the hands of a “Pop-punk Executioner”. The original film, released by Sony/RED Distribution in the US has sold over 10,000 copies on DVD with a grassroots marketing campaign in the first 4 months of release. Punk Rock Holocaust has also spawned a devoted fan base and two sequels, one of which will be released this Summer. _www.punkrockholocaust.com_ (http://www.punkrockholocaust.com/) BACKSEAT FILM FESTIVAL COMPILATION #1 – A collection of films from the Backseat Film Festival, a rock ‘n roll film fest devoted to the best in edgy, unpretentious movies from all over the cinematic globe. An electrifying mix of zany short films, sleazy music videos, unrelenting documentaries and some of the most exciting feature film premieres around, the Backseat Film Festival is a showcase for movies that embody the youthful, exhilarating spirit of rock ‘ n roll. While in Cannes, Backseat will also be reviewing films for future Backseat Film Festival screenings. _www.backseatfilmfestival.com_ (http://www.backseatfilmfestival.com/) KETCHUP VS MUSTARD: THE ULTIMATE CONDIMENT RACE - Eating Competition– Two men, two gallons of condiments, one hour to devour them! Doug Sakmann (Ketchup) and James Brown (Mustard) go head to head to see which the superior condiment is! With live color commentary, flashy graphics, and lots of red and yellow vomit, this competition is far more exciting than anything you’d see on ESPN or the Sports Channel! RE-PENETRATOR - A pornographic spoof of H.P Lovecraft’s 80’s horror flick Re-Animator. Re-Penetrator is the story of a stripper who after being dead for twenty years, is resurrected back to life by the perverted mad scientist, Dr. Hubert Breast. Dr. Breast vaginally injects the long-dead, but exquisitely preserved, exotic dancer with special serum so the re-animated corpse will return from the VIP room in hell and crave nothing but sex. PLEASURES OF THE DAMNED - When a group of Satan worshiping bikers seek out a book holding the secrets of eternal life, they accidentally resurrect an ancient evil. Private Investigator Jack Steele is the only man who might be able to put a stop to this ancient curse. Pleasures of the Damned first premiered in Italy in the summer of 1979, and the director was brought up on indecency charges by the Italian government. All copies of the film were initially presumed destroyed. Hard to find, and long sought after at horror conventions, thanks to Backseat Conceptions, this campy cult classic has finally been digitally mastered and restored. Backseat Conceptions projects in different stages of development include: THE XXXORCIST (Fall 2005) - A pornographic spoof of William Peter Blatty’s The Exorcist. After all other exorcism methods fail; a priest has no other option but to screw the hell (and the devil) out of a possessed woman. A new take on the classic battle of good against evil. SKATING VS RUNNING: THE RACE ACROSS AMERICA (SUMMER 2006) - The follow-up to Ketchup Vs Mustard, James Brown (Running) has vowed to beat Doug Sakmann (skateboarding) in a race across the entire USA, from East coast to West Coast. Planned for Spring 2006, these two men will race to 10 points scattered across the nation. Whoever arrives first at each stop is treated to a party in their honor. PUNK ROCK HOLOCAUST 3 (WINTER 2006) - This third installment of the punk rock slasher series finds Kevin Lyman and the Vans Warped Tour fleeing to Japan to escape the Executioner and his army of zombified band members-turned-killing machines. However, once arriving in Japan, Lyman finds that the move may have created more problems than it solved… JODY – A Musical Dramedy adapted from the stage play of the same name, Jody is a rock opera in the tradition of films like Tommy, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, and The Rocky Horror Picture Show. The story follows Jody, who is born a hermaphrodite. Unwanted and unloved by it's parents and younger brother and sister, Jody sets off for the big city on it's 18th birthday, only to discover that there are many others hermaphrodites happily co-existing with those with normal genitalia. Jody joins a band called the Shims, and together they fight for hermaphrodite's rights. Written, performed by, and starring members of the band Dingleberry Dynasty, Backseat Conceptions is currently seeking completion funds for this film. Finished scenes are available for screening. You can find the full catalogue along with press kits, pictures, trailers and more online at: _http://backseatconceptions.com/index_cannes2005.htm_ (http://backseatconceptions.com/index_cannes2005.htm) About Backseat Conceptions: Backseat Conceptions is a multi-faceted company, specializing in producing, marketing and promoting film and video projects, multi-media content and live events. While mainly catering to a younger, edgier audience, we provide our clients with unique, eclectic marketing strategies, tending to their product or services’ special needs. Besides collaborating on outside properties, Backseat Conceptions has produced several in-house feature films available for international and domestic territories. In terms of promotions, Backseat Conceptions continues to work in various capacities for a number of other products and companies, including Hot Rod Condoms, Monster Energy Drink, Sailor Jerry’s Rum, Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer, Seatthole.com, BurningAngel.com and others. Past Clients include 9mm SPFX Theatrical Contact Lenses, Body Punks Body Jewelry, Discmakers Media Duplication, Ernie Ball Music Supplies, Samson Audio Products and PETA 2. For further information on Backseat Conceptions or any of these projects in Cannes between May 11-22nd please contact: Doug Sakmann – CELL - 06 07 25 81 57 Residence Des Allees II - #32, 10 Impasse Bergerie, 06400 Cannes PHONE - 04 93 68 99 18 EMAIL _Doug@backseatconceptions.com_ (mailto:Doug@backseatconceptions.com) Contact in the USA: Backseat Conceptions – 1730 N 5th St #603, Philadelphia PA 19122 PHONE 215 235 5603 FAX 215 235 9745 _www.backseatconceptions.com_ (http://www.backseatconceptions.com/)