EUREKA SCREENING « Music in the Spotlights » 15 to 18 November 2001 Istanbul AUDIOVISUAL EUREKA Brussels, Monday July 2nd 2001 Dear right holders, The deadline for reception of your musical films / films on the subject of music having expired last Friday, June 30th 2001, many of you have asked us whether we still accept film entries (2 VHS copies of each film to be sent to the Audiovisual Eureka Secretariat and a technical data file to be completed on-line at www.aveureka.org/en/SCREENING-send-program.htm <http://www.aveureka.org/en/SCREENING-send-program.htm> ). We have therefore decided to be flexible and to accept late entries. Nevertheless, VHS copies and the data files filled out on-line should reach us within the slightest possible delay, to offer our seven members of the jury the possibility to view all films by July 30th 2001. Eagerly awaiting your films and hoping to see you in Istanbul, Pauline Mazenod Contacts: Audiovisual Eureka Secretariat Pauline Mazenod, p.mazenod@aveureka.be <mailto:p.mazenod@aveureka.be> , +32 2 543 76 67 Diana Cioponea, d.cioponea@aveureka.be <mailto:d.cioponea@aveureka.be> , +32 2 543 76 69 screening@aveureka.be <mailto:screening@aveureka.be> - fax: +32 2 538 04 39