York International


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Dear Markus,

We at York International would like to meet with you at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival to discuss our film slate for the global markets.

2004 is a packed year of exciting films. From horror to action, there will be something for every market. 

Multiple titles and Horror Packages (see below) are now available.

We would enjoy the opportunity to speak with you regarding these various titles such as Pacino is Missing, Scarecrow Gone Wild, Alien 51, Evicted, Lexie, Escape From Cuba, El Chupacabra, and many more profitable titles. Please call, e-mail or fax us at the numbers below.

We will be at the Cannes Film Festival 2004 in the Palais, booth 22-01 from 12 May through 22 May. Click here for our appointment page or reply to this e-mail.

If you need AVAILABILITIES in your territory, please reply. 

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Jennifer Dillon
Directors, International Sales
York International
818.788.4011 (Fax)
Can't See The Page? Click Here!

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Press Contact: Arik Ben Treston
York Entertainment
4565 Sherman Oaks Ave.
Sherman Oaks, CA  91403
818.788.4011 (fax)
All Contents (c) 2004 York Entertainment
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Don't forget our upcoming horror slate #1 & #2

Click for Larger Images

Click for Larger Imageps2.gif (277012 bytes)
                     Slate 1             Slate 2