PRESS RELEASE - CANNES 2004 "The Johnna Man" is about to redefine the British Rom-Com at Cannes March 19, 2004—London, UK "The Johnna Man" is going to change the way that the world looks at the British Romantic Comedy genre when it screens at this years Cannes festival. It's a film that opens with death and divorce throwing the life of it's alcoholic protagonist into disarray, just before things really begin to go downhill for him. Throw in the mindless humiliation and torture of goldfish, and you have a selection of subjects that only the British could find ripe for the comedy pickings. Just when you thought you knew what to expect from these sceptered isles, along comes the anti-Curtis. This dark tale is directed with a compassionate flair by Kevin Akehurst, and written and produced by Adrian Foiadelli (also the scribe of Modern Life?'s other Cannes bound feature, "Left For Dead"). The script makes the film both moving and hilarious in equal measure, without ever resorting to cliché or schmaltz. "The Johnna Man" also illustrates what you can do when you favour strong directing and performances over a well-worn formula. Shot on a hi-tech DV camera on location in Brighton, UK with premiere talent and crew on a low strict budget, the film shows anything but low especially in the performances. The ensemble cast weave a clique between their characters that is at once believable and involving, using the many years stage acting between them to create an illusion of years of friendship in the balance. Sara Abraham, Robin Laisby and Adam Hawkins are amongst the principle cast that race a gamut of emotions whilst resolving the tangled weave of story strands between seven friends (one deceased). Featuring a blistering soundtrack, an improbable romance between a pair of divorcees, and an ending that is guaranteed to keep audiences talking long after the final credits have rolled, "The Johnna Man" is going to be the rarest of things at this years Cannes festival - an original romantic comedy. When and Where Palais F theatre, 17th May 2004 @ 17.30 (5.30pm) About Modern Life? Productions Phil Hobden created the media powerhouse with a group of highly trained media production industry veterans in 1996. Modern Life focus is creating quality and innovative media and films. We have produced over 30 short films and numerous publicity, corporate and music videos. Modern Life current project "Left for Dead" the new hi-impact action thriller feature film release will be in theatres summer 2004. Please contact Phil Hobden on +44 (0)7786 516728 or phil@mod-life.com to RSVP and for press ops/ interviews and/or materials. Thank you. Phil Hobden BA(Hons) Modern Life? Incorporating Jimbo Entertainment and Big Cat Productions t: +44 (0)7786 516728 e: phil@mod-life.com www.mod-life.com www.left4dead.co.uk www.thejohnnaman.co.uk www.nw-comic.co.uk 61F Riverside Court, Coast Road, Pevensey Bay, Pevensey, BN24 6LR, UK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All outgoing emails are virus scanned with AVG & Norton Anti Virus. If you receive an email from Modern Life? which is infected please inform us. The information in this e-mail and any attachment is confidential. It is intended only for the named addressee(s). If you are not the named addressee please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose, copy or distribute the contents to any other person other than the intended addressee(s) or return email to enquires@mod-life.net ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.656 / Virus Database: 421 - Release Date: 09/04/2004