NEWSLETTER N°178: Feb 4 - Feb 10, 2004 __________________________________________________________ AWARDS * Bangkok International Festival Awards * Evil Winner of 3 Swedish Awards and Oscar nomination * Flickerfest Short Film Festival awards * Göteborg Film Festival wraps * Berlinale 4 Camera Awards * Sarasota awards announce * Wild and Scenic Environmental Film awards * Rotterdam awards En Route, The Missing and Summer... * A new statue for the SAG awards * Oscar nominees http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/more_wrapup.shtml __________________________________________________________ BERLIN READY TO KICK Book your hotel now for Berlin with us; reserve your cell phone at best price. "One Stop Shop" to book hotels, flights, rental car, cell phone. http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/useful_info.shtml BERLINALE NEWS * Monster review on a contreversial film * Cold Mountain, Berlin opener review http://filmfestivals.com/cgi-bin/fest_content/festivals.pl?fest=berlin2004&year=2004 ______________________________________________________________ NEWS FROM FESTIVALS SANTA BARBARA * Virtual Reality father keynotes in Santa Barbara * Santa Barbara Digital Days live webcast Feb 7th * Oscar and Latin Flair - is in the air at Santa Barbara * Santa Barbara ambiance *SBIFF reveals the guts and glory of directing MORE * AKAB short movie festival * Fribourg Fest 18th has memory * Victoria opens festivals to film lovers * Rotterdam audience award to La Meglio Gioventu * Film Fest on Mountain 52nd edition next May in Trento * Century City Fest: this new fest in the circuit wants your best... http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/festivals.shtml ______________________________________________________________ FESTIVALS AGENDA Festivals calling for your films... This week, this month, the BULLETIN BOARD... http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/deadlines.shtml ASPIRING FEST REPORTERS WANTED Share your festival experience from Berlin and more. CELLHIRE, the world leader in mobile phone rental offers you in partnership with Filmfestivals FREE* incoming calls and low national and international call rates abroad. Rent local airtime for use in your own or a Cellhire phone and save on every call! Order your solution for Berlin, AFM, Cannes or any film event: http://www.filmfestivals.com/cellhire.shtml ______________________________________________________________ MESSAGE FROM OUR SPONSORS FESTIVAL WINNERS DVD LIBRARY Own Award-Winning Festival Favorites on DVD. Subscribe to Film Movement to receive the best of the fests to own on DVD each month. Films are curated by directors of many top U.S. festivals. Receive films exclusively through Film Movement such as the IFP Spirit Award nominee and Sundance award-wining Manito. Subscribe today: http://service.bfast.com/bfast/click?bfmid=37925249&siteid=40927022&bfpage=1448498 ______________________________________________________________ D-CINEMA NEWS D- Fest on Digital cinema network Emerging Pictures and the Full Frame Documentary Film Festival have announced that they are jointly developing a nationally syndicated festival utilizing Emerging Pictures digital cinema network. The syndicated festival will be contemporaneous with the flagship festival in Durham, North Carolina and exhibit in as many as 20 cities. The deal will allow audiences throughout the countryfor the first timeto simultaneously participate in a world class film festival. http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/dcinema.shtml ______________________________________________________________ FEST PLAYERS FOCUS * New board members at ScreenWest * Pat Ferns Banff CEO, about the Festival silver anniversary * 2 new board members at Copenhagen fest * Howard Shore live LOTR concert in Antwerp * Carlo Bassi CEO of newly Italian film promotion body * Film festivals: too many of them? * Monster Director: Profile on Patty Jenkins * Film festivals: too many of them? http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/people.shtml ______________________________________________________________ FRENCH NEWS ON THE FRENCH WEBSITE * L'Etalon Noir et les Abysses vainqueurs en IMAX * Faces cachées de Bollywood à Beaubourg * Trois prix pour Deux Soeurs à Gerardmer * Le futur est là: Cannes dans 50 ans? * Festival du Film des Droits de lHomme à Paris * Festival du Cinéma du Réel à Paris * Fribourg 18ème: pour ne pas oublier! * Un nouveau festival sur la vie quotidienne * Un voyage dans le temps à Pléneuf-Val-André * Changement de direction au FCMM * "Les Bidets d'Or": le meilleur du pire http://www.filmfestivals.com/fr/index.shtml ______________________________________________________________ FILM FROM FEST FOCUS * Flanders indigenous box office bonanza in 2003 * Six Swedish Films in the Swedish Box Office Top Ten * Best of MIFF fest screenings in LA * Girl with a pearl earring closed Rotterdam * Dig! Sundance docu winner * FIPA d'Or for Die Martins Passion by Irene Langemann http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/films.shtml ______________________________________________________________ CALL FOR ENTRIES Filmmakers don't miss these ones! 1) Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida, now accepts independent films, shorts, animated & student films for Fort Myers Beach Film Festival April 29-May 2, 2004.Theater audiences polled throughout festival & winning filmmaker gets a $1,000 check. Film buffs see quality films & fun-filled schedule includes filmmaker panels, student workshops, elegant celebrity gala. Submit before March 15 at: http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/04/january/fort_myers.shtml 2) ANNUAL PROGRAM WITHOUT FRONTIERS Calls SHORT FILMS producers worldwide to participate with their works. Also see the news on the Festival for Documentaries and Narrative Movies. Awards information and call for entries: http://filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/03/sept/frontiers.shtml 3) 4TH BEVERLY HILLS FILM FESTIVAL May 6th-9th, 2004 Call for Entries Deadline: February 1st http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/03/july/beverly_hills2004.shtml 4) See your Banner blinking on Filmfestivals.com HOMEPAGE linked to your online Call for Entries on our Bulletin Board. COMPOUND film entries. Asked "Did you see your Banner run on Filmfestivals.com"? York Fest replies:" I certainly have! Our site traffic *doubled* yesterday - and the banner wasn't even up for the full day! Email us bruno@filmfestivals.com or Helen for a campaign proposition. Details online http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/bulletin_board.pdf ______________________________________________________________ MORE festival news at http://www.filmfestivals.com Film pros: http://www.filmfestivalspro.com French focus: http://www.filmfestivals.fr Film & Festival DATA BASE management http://www.filmfestivalsPRO.com Have a colleague subscribe to our newsletter: http://www.filmfestivals.com/news/newsletter.html ______________________________________________________________ To unsubscribe to our newsletter: http://www.filmfestivals.com/newsletter/unsubscribe.html ______________________________________________________________ This weekly e-newsletter is intended for subscribers only. Please feel free to forward it to other colleagues; Subscription is free of charge. For re-publication or copying requests, please contact us at: editor@filmfestivals.com Copyright (c) 2004 Filmfestivals. All Rights Reserved.