In 2004 UK based production company Modern Life? produced the first UK martial arts feature film. Shot digitally & independently funded, the film was picked up by Worldwide Film Entertainment and has already turned a profit making several sales at the AFM 2004. We are now looking to develop two exciting new genre projects and are currently inviting potential co-production and finance partners to meet with us at this years Cannes Film Festival. BRUTAL (Est. $tbc. Martial Arts, Action 90 mins) 'Walking Tall meets Roadhouse & Straw Dogs" Starring Jeff 'SWAT; Mission Of Justice' Wincott, Loren 'King Of The Kickboxers' Avedon and Matthias 'Dark Angel' Hues (contracts pending) with UK talent Glenn 'The Silencer; Left For Dead' Salvage and Terry 'Hell To Pay' Stone. Fights and stunts co-ordinated by leading UK action team Independent Stunts. With over $150k in deferments and studio costs already in place we are looking to raise a further $300-500k. With cast and crew credits on over 100 films, including many big summer studio productions, 'Brutal' will bring the action genre back to basics in this R rated (US)/15 rated (UK) High Definition feature film For further information check out: www.areyoureadytogetbrutal.co.uk EVEN DEAD MEN DIE (Est. $250k. Horror/Action. 85 mins) 'From Dusk Till Dawn meets Near Dark & Dawn Of The Dead' Starring Jeremy 'Bad Boy' Bailey and featuring a cast/crew with credits on films such as 'Left For Dead, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, Hitcher Hikers Guide To The Galaxy, The Purifiers, Batman Begins, The Art Of Flirting, The Silencer, Star Trek, Jackie Chan's The Accidental Spy, Baby Juice Express, John Woo's A Better Tomorrow 2' and more. With a range of Zombie movies just released and many more in production Modern Life? has developed a Zombie movie with a twist. Taking its cues from 'From Dusk Till Dawn' this is a strong, R rated (18 UK Rated) High Definition horror movie with a high octane action twist. For further information check out: www.evendeadmendie.co.uk Producer Phil Hobden and Director Ross Boyask will be in Cannes from 11th -17th May. For further information or to arrange an appointment please email phil@mod-life.com or call +44 (0)7786 516728. We look forward to seeing you there. www.mod-life.com/cannes2005 Phil Hobden BA (Hons) Producer, Modern Life? Inc. Big Cat Productions, Jimbo Entertainment & Raging Psycho Comics t: +44 (0)7786 516728 f: +44 (0)871 2215262 e: phil@mod-life.com a: 61F Riverside Court, Coast Road, Pevensey Bay, BN24 6LR, UK w: www.mod-life.com www.left4dead.co.uk www.nw-comic.co.uk ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* THIS MESSAGE MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS CONFIDENTIAL, © AND/OR PROTECTED BY LAW. IF THE READER OF THIS MESSAGE IS NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT OR IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE CONTACT THE SENDER IMMEDIATELY AND DELETE THE MESSAGE. 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Big Cat Productions, Jimbo Entertainment & Raging Psycho Comics t: +44 (0)7786 516728 f: +44 (0)871 2215262 e: phil@mod-life.com a: 61F Riverside Court, Coast Road, Pevensey Bay, BN24 6LR, UK w: www.mod-life.com www.left4dead.co.uk www.nw-comic.co.uk ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* THIS MESSAGE MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS CONFIDENTIAL, © AND/OR PROTECTED BY LAW. IF THE READER OF THIS MESSAGE IS NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT OR IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE CONTACT THE SENDER IMMEDIATELY AND DELETE THE MESSAGE. 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