NEWSLETTER #171 / Dec 11 - Dec 17 ____________________________________________________________ LATEST NEWS FROM FILMFESTIVALS.COM WE HOPE YOU ARE ENJOYING THE NEW VERSION OF OUR WEBSITE http://www.filmfestivals.com and http://www.filmfestivalspro.com OUR WEBSITES HAVE BEEN REVAMPED TO ALLOW YOU A FASTER ACCESS TO INFORMATION YOU NEED ____________________________________________________________ PRACTICAL TRIP PLANNER Book your condo for Sundance with us, get your cell phone... Easy "One Stop Shop" to book hotels, flights, rental car, cell phone. http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/useful_info.shtml Trip to sunance ______________________________________________________________ NEWS FROM FESTIVALS * Kim Ki-Duk project selected for next Cinemart (Rotterdam) * HBF funds half a million for non-western projects * Rotterdam focus on Rome - Italy * Screeners ban lifted: indies win * Line up for Sundance peaks? * Slamdance lines up of 19 (first) features * Slamdance's motto is "By Filmmakers, For Filmmakers". http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/festivals.shtml ______________________________________________________________ MESSAGE FROM OUR PARTNERS "BRANSON FILM FESTIVAL: March 8-12, 2004 invites features, documentaries, foreigns, shorts, animations and students for presentation and awards in the live entertainment capital of Mid-America. Call for entries deadline: January 10. http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/03/december/branson.shtml _________ CELLHIRE, the world leader in mobile phone rental offers you in partnership with Filmfestivals FREE* incoming calls and low national and international call rates abroad. Rent local airtime for use in your own or a Cellhire phone and save on every call! Order your solution for Sundance, Berlin, AFM, Cannes or any film event: http://www.filmfestivals.com/cellhire.shtml _________ IMAGINA FESTIVAL: February 2 - 5, 2004 Imagina, the 3D world showcase of MONTE CARLO, invites filmmakers. Calling Feature Films Clips, Short Films, Commercials, Music Videos, Video Games, Series, Credit and Logo Sequences to be part of the IMAGINA AWARDS. Free registration at: http://filmfestivals.net/phorum/framepro.php?url=http://www.imagina.mc _________ NEWPORT BEACH FILM FESTIVAL calling Do not miss The Newport Beach Film Festival call for entries from films from around the world including features, shorts, documentaries, and Animation. The Festival runs from April 15rd through April 25th , 2004. Calling for entries now: http://filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/03/november/newport.shtml ________ ANNUAL PROGRAM WITHOUT FRONTIERS Calls SHORT FILMS producers worldwide to participate with their works. Also see the news on the Festival for Documentaries and Fiction Features. Information about September deadlines: http://filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/03/sept/frontiers.shtml ______________________________________________________________ AWARDS UPDATE * Break a Leg best indie from Sante Fe Fest * Good Bye Lenin wins 4 at EFA * Shorts with effect at AEAF Short Film Festival. http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/festivals_wrapup.shtml ______________________________________________________________ FRENCH NEWS ON THE FRENCH WEBSITE * Concours au féminin à Créteil * Adjani au prochain festival de Montreal * Les rendez vous de Montreal présenteront l'oeil du chat * Le Festival tous courts s 'achève à Aix * Pierre Lampron au service du cinéma Quebecquois * Hommage des acteurs remis à l'ADAMI * Pierre Salvadori donne sa leçon à Paris tout court. http://www.filmfestivals.com/fr/index.shtml ______________________________________________________________ FESTIVALS AGENDA Festivals calling for your films... This week, this month, the BULLETIN BOARD... http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/deadlines.shtml ASPIRING FEST REPORTERS WANTED Share your festival experience with our readers. ______________________________________________________________ FILM FROM FEST FOCUS * LOTR trilogy extended edition screening with cast in NY * Big City Dick from R. Peterson shows up in Slamdance. * Audience's choice for "Indigo" debut in Santa Fe * Screeners ban lifted: indies win * 25 years of German cinema at MOMA * Figgis Cold Creek River http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/films.shtml ______________________________________________________________ PEOPLE SPOTLIGHT * Adjani host of next Montreal fest * Ben Kingsley in House of Sand and Fog at Licoln center * Humbert Balsan chairs EFA following Nick Powell * Ingmar Bergman's Saraband premieres on Swedish TV * Christopher Doyle will be honored at next Bangkok * Corneau honored at french fest in the UK. http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/people.shtml ______________________________________________________________ D-CINEMA D-Figgis: The Futures Bright, The Futures Figgis Despite the imminent release of Cold Creek Manor, Mike Figgis spent last week promoting artistic autonomy and experimentation. Returning to the very cinema in Newcastle where he was first infected with the film bug, Figgis performed an enthralling remix of his real-time, split-screen LA story Timecode. The performance was the final act of the citys pioneering Audio Visual Festival which included the European premiere of Cold Creek Manor. http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/dcinema.shtml ______________________________________________________________ CALL FOR ENTRIES Filmmakers don't miss these ones! 1) Call for Entries deadline JANUARY 1,2004 for Garden State Film Festival held March 25-28, 2004. Director DIANE RAVER to be honored by New Jersey MOVIE MAKERS NETWORK. Enter your film, video,animated works etc. http://filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/03/october/garden_state.shtml 2} Artivist Film Festival-1st festival dedicated to addressing social, global, political, animal rights & environmental issues through Visual Arts & Music to strengthen voice of international activist Filmmakers & Artists & raise public awareness & funds for global social causes. CALL FOR ENTRIES deadline January 15, 2004.Submit at http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/03/november/artivist.shtml 3)Entry deadline January 15, 2004 for Cinema Epicuria,7th Sonoma Valley Film Festival for independent films, held April 14, 2004.Juries of industry luminaries present array of awards,special Audience & Programmers Prizes. http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/03/september/sonoma.shtml 4)Mark your calendars for January 23-February 1st. Sarasota Film Festival. Audiences were incredible - smart, fun & film-literate." -Bradford Simpson- Killer Films. http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/03/aout/sarasota.shtml 5)WORLDFEST HOUSTON dedicated to Independent Film calling for entries now. screening format for the upcoming 5, 2004 unspooling. WorldFest will screen next April 16-2 50 to 60 feature film premieres and short and documentary films. Do not miss the EARLY BIRD discount. http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/03/oct/houston.shtml 6)3rd BEVERLY HILLS Film Festival May 6th-9th, 2004 The festival is now acepting entries Call for Entries Deadline : February 1st, 2004 http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/03/july/beverly_hills2004.shtml 7) Special rate to see your wide Banner blinking on Filmfestivals.com HOME PAGE hitched up to your online Call for Entries on our Bulletin Board.COMPOUND film entries. Asked "Did you see your Banner run on Filmfestivals.com"?, York Fest replies :" I certainly have! Our site traffic *doubled* yesterday - and the banner wasn't even up for the full day! Email : bruno@filmfestivals.com or helen for a campaign proposition. ______________________________________________________________ MORE festival news at http://www.filmfestivals.com Film pros: http://www.filmfestivalspro.com French focus: http://www.filmfestivals.fr Film & Festival DATA BASE management http://www.filmfestivalsPRO.com have a colleague subscribe to our newsletter: http://www.filmfestivals.com/news/newsletter.html ______________________________________________________________ To unsubscribe to our newsletter: http://www.filmfestivals.com/newsletter/unsubscribe.html ______________________________________________________________ This weekly e-newsletter is intended for subscribers only. Please feel free to forward it to other colleagues; subscription is free of charge. For re-publication or copying requests, please contact us at: editor@filmfestivals.com Copyright (c) 2003 Filmfestivals. All Rights Reserved.