28th October 2003   n. 21

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Cinedays 2003
Closing Day

Cinedays - Closing day
The 1000 films of European cinema
Video - closing day 600 partners in 26 countries...
Exhibition - UK
London needs more films
A report, called Picture Perfect? just published by the...
Festival – France
New Mediterranean Cinema
More than 200 films will be taking part in the 25th edition...

The capital of Animated films
In September Varese hosted the 14th Cartoon Forum, the European market for animation cinema

Dirk Szuszie
Resist, “Living” at the G8
This is the winning documentary at EuropaCinema 2003: performances by Beck and Malina’s company are blended together with images from Genoa and September 11th

::Films out now::
This week in Europe

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