Cannes56@Filmstudio.Rwth-Aachen.De, MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR Click the following link to correct or confirm your information: https://www.plaxo.com/edit_contact_info?r=32928-17353188--965603527&t=web Name: Cannes56@Filmstudio.Rwth-Aachen.De Job Title: Company: Work E-mail: cannes56@filmstudio.rwth-aachen.de Work Phone: Work Fax: Work Address Line 1: Work Address Line 2: Work City, State, Zip: Mobile Phone: Home E-mail: Home Phone: Home Fax: Home Address Line 1: Home Address Line 2: Home City, State, Zip: Birthday: My current contact information: P.S. I've included my Plaxo card below so that you have my current information. I've also attached a copy as a vCard. +----------------- | Swiss Teo | swiss@swissteo.com.sg | M.D. | | Swissteo Music International Pte Ltd | Block 37 #03-45 | Defu Lane 10 | Singapore 539214 | work: +65 62809033 | fax: +65 63821733 | mobile: +65 96187315 | web: www.st-musicworld.com +------------------------------------- ____________________________________________________________ This message was sent to you by swiss@swissteo.com.sg via Plaxo. To have Plaxo automatically handle these messages in the future, go to: http://www.plaxo.com/autoreply Plaxo's Privacy Policy: http://www.plaxo.com/support/privacy