{http://www.TheMegahitMovies.com/indexmain.htm} {http://www.WritersChannel.net} Watch the Oscars on Sunday Night then Chat about the Winners and Losers on Monday Night with Lesely Bracker and Richard Michaels Stefanik. Let's hear what you have to say! (6pm PST Monday March 6th) www.WritersChannel.net {http://www.WritersChannel.net} If you want to learn how to write screenplays, read screenplays. If you want to learn how to write movies, watch movies with an analytical eye. Discussing movie structure and breaking down why the film works, and how it works, is the best way to learn how to write an effective screenplay. The Writers Channel includes a Mentor Program; Screenwriting Groups; Pitch Hollywood Executives, Agents and Movie Producers; Writing classes; Resource Center; Audio Interviews; Articles on classic movies; member contributed journals & Creative Exercises. {http://www.TheHollywoodReporter.com} {http://www.TheMegahitMovies.com/rmpromo.htm} **Richard Michaels Stefanik Special Event in Oxford, England Story Design for Creating Popular Hollywood Movies Sheldonian Theater Lectures May 9-10, 2006 {http://www.mmsysgrp.com/BodleianLibrary/BodleianLibrary.ram} *RMS Digital Movie of Oxford Bodleian Library*** www.OxfordFestivalFilms.com {http://www.OxfordFestivalFilms.com} Mike Medavoy, Phoenix Pictures All The King's Men, Amadeus, Philadelphia, Apocalypse Now, The Silence of the Lambs, Sleepless in Seattle, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Merchant & Ivory Retropsective Award Room with a View, Howard's End, Remains of the Day, The Golden Bowl, Mystic Masseur Akio Nishizawa Japanese WAO Digital Animation Digital Movie Technology Exhibition Oxford Said Business School May 7-10, 2006 RMS Global Digital BroadBandCasting Network" {http://www.TheMegahitMovies.com/iptv.htm} Copyright 1996-2006 by Richard Michaels Stefanik All Rights Reserved. -- <b>To unsubscribe from this list</b> send an email to <a HREF="mailto:rms@TheMegahitMovies.com"><b>rms@TheMegahitMovies.com</a></b> with the word <b>UNSUBSCRIBE</b> in the subject line of the message. -- Powered by PHPlist, www.phplist.com --