The original message was received at Mon, 27 Sep 2004 14:23:27 GMT from 29.158-182-adsl-pool.axelero.hu [] ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- <samfilm@samfilm.is> (reason: can't create (user) output file) ----- Transcript of session follows ----- procmail: Couldn't read "/var/spool/mdirs/s/a/samfilm/home/.procmailrc.moved" procmail: =============================================== Quota exceeded while writing The user exceeded his quota while receiving your message. The message was NOT delivered. =============================================== Pósthólf notanda er yfir leyfilegu gagnamagni Notandi fór yfir leyfileg mörk gagnamagns á póstsvæði sínu. Skeytið komst EKKI til skila. =============================================== "/var/spool/mdirs/s/a/samfilm/Maildir/tmp/1096295037.32008_2.mx1.mmedia.is" 550 5.0.0 <samfilm@samfilm.is>... Can't create output