ANNOUNCEMENT -51st CANNES FILM FESTIVAL- ~May 12th to the 23rd~ The 164 feet MOSAIQUE is one of the worlds top yachts. She is still available for charter during the 2004 Cannes Film Festival and the Monaco Grand Prix at an incredibly reduced rate of US$250,000 for the 11 days. MOSAIQUE's thoughtfully planned layout lends her perfectly to entertaining and her well-appointed accommodations features every creature comfort and all the latest in technology. Cannes is known throughout the world for its prestigious Film Festival and theres no better or more exclusive way to entertain your friends and clientele than on board a private yacht moored adjacent to the Palais de Festivals. For more specific information, please contact Marc Edwards: ME@edmistoncompany.com <mailto:ME@edmistoncompany.com> Edmiston & Company LLC 150 S. Rodeo Drive, Suite 120. Beverly Hills, California 90212 Telephone. +1 310 777 6535 Facsimile. +1 310 777 6510 www.edmistoncompany.com <http://www.edmistoncompany.com/>