19th June 2003   n. 4

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Pesaro 2003
The 39th edition of the International Festival of New Cinema: new French filmmakers and retrospectives of Sayles, Rybczynski and Guerin plus a special tribute to Ermanno Olmi

Marie Pierre Macia
"Producing a love of cinema"
A meeting with Marie-Pierre Macia, the delegate-general of Paris Cinéma which is scheduled to run from 2-15 July 2003. An ecletic and popular programme giving pride-of-place to Europe

Heritage – France
A Lumière museum in Lyon
The two brothers who invented cinema have been honoured...
Films - Italy
La Meglio Gioventù in France
La meglio gioventù by Marco Tullio Giordana is scheduled...
Festivals – United Kingdom
Name-change for LFF
Oscar-winning film director and chair of the British Film...
Events – Denmark
Showcasing Nordic Talent
Scandinavia’s premiere funding body, the Nordic Film...
Funding – Germany
From ersatz Kubrick to Süpersex
The FilmFörderung Hamburg GmbH has earmarked Euros 2.750m...
Awards – Belgium
"Beyond Gibraltar"
Au-delà de Gibraltar, directed by the Turkish-born German...

::EU audiovisual::
EU Audiovisual – Conference
Towards a Euro-Mediterranean Foundation
The Greek rolling presidency of the European Union published the results of the Euro-Mediterranean conference it organised in Crete on 26 and 27 May 2003. With regards to cultural issues,...

The 25 countries of Europe
From Cultural Diversity to a European Identity
The "Future of European cinema and the Audiovisual sector following Enlargement" has been discussed in Thessaloniki. Those attending the event included Evangelos Venizelos and Viviane Reding

Producers on the Move '03 - EFP
Antonio Saura - Spain

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