Topics Include
Keynote Presentation by Chris Gore, Filmthreat
on the state of the Film Festival Industry-
Film Festivals: State of The Industry-
So many Submissions, So Little Time? -
Sponsorships! Sponsorships! Sponsorships! Part I-
Film Festival Marketing 101-
Sponsorships! Sponsorships! Sponsorships! Part II-
Film Festivals & The Local Community: Integrating
the Locals-
Integrating Technology Into Your Festival-
Film Festival Brainstorming Session: The Future of
Film Festivals 2010-
The International Film Festival Summit is coming up
December 7th and 8th at
the Hudson Hotel in New York City
We have panelists from SXSW, Seattle, AFI, IFP Los
Angeles, New
Directors/New Films, Starz! Denver International,
Vancouver, Hamptons
International and many other great festivals making
this first year of the
summit as strong as we can!
This will be the largest ever gathering of
professionals from the film
festival industry. It's not a film festival where films
will be shown, but a
chance for industry professionals to network and
discuss the state of film
festivals around the world.
Please visit the web site at
www.filmfestivalsummit.com for more
December 7-8, 2004
Hudson Hotel New York City
Register Now