From the frozen tundra of Iceland to the sweltering jungles of remotest South America, a series of long-dormant volcanoes begin to erupt without warning. An American geologist determines a pattern and a cause for these events, which begin to span the entire globe. It's a race against time, as he and his team attempt to devise a plan to alleviate the planet of the stress at its core before civilization as we know it disappears beneath
Unified Film Organization CANNES 2006 Company: Unified Film Organization 3400 W. Alameda Avenue Suite 200 Burbank, CA 91505 Telephone: 818-846-0465 Fax: 818-846-0256 E-mail: Executive Attending 1. Jeffery Beach - CEO Market Address: CANNES Office: Riviera E2 CANNES Telephone: New Product Information: Title: GENESIS CODE (in production) Genre: Action Adventure An ancient creature is discovered among what are believed to be the remains of Noah's Ark. After lying dormant for centuries, the creature suddenly awakens and escapes its bonds with fatal results. To stop the creature from wrecking untold havoc on the earth, a pair of archaeologists must battle time and an ancient secret brotherhood as they race to unlock...THE GENESIS CODE. Title: MAGMA: VOLCANIC DISASTER (completed) Genre: Action Adventure Cast: Xander Berkeley, Amy Jo Johnson, Reiko Aylesworth piles of burning ash and rivers of molten lava. We would like to arrange a meeting with you during the market. Can you please fax (no: 818-846-0256) or E-mail A convenient time to meet with us during the market is: Company________________________________Representative_______________________ _____ Return fax_______________________________Time__________________Date________________ __ We look forward to your reply. Kindest regards, Cherise Honey Production & Distribution Coordinator Unified Film Organization