--ATTENTION-- Two action films available for your territory. 1) STREETS OF LEGEND, Narrative, Sundance Cinematography Award, An exhilarating character driven exploration of love and betrayal set against the backdrop of illegal street racing in Southern California. http://www.streetsoflegend.com ³EASILY BEATS...THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS FRANCHISE.² -The Village Voice Contact: Jim Seibel, Inferno Distribution, Majestic #115 Email: jim@infernodistribution.com mobile: 06 66 6755 01 -- 2) B.I.K.E., Documentary Feature, Slamdance Favorite Two filmmakers try to infiltrate an underground bicycle club, where anarchy, punk rock music and tall-bike jousting are the amusements of the day. http://www.bike-films.com ****1/2 (stars) ³...AN ABSOLUTLY FASCINATING TOUR OF A MODERN NETHERWORLD.² -Ray Greene, Box Office Magazine Contact: Fredric King, Fountainhead email: fking@fountainhead.com mobile: +1 917 539 8372