{http://www.TheMegahitMovies.com} ** "How to Beat the Odds In Hollywood" Screenwriting and MovieMaking Conference Las Vegas - Plaza Hotel & Casino - July 14-17, 2005** {http://www.Vegasscript.com} * * GOT SCRIPT? Bring it here and put it in front of the Agents, Managers, Studio Executives and Development Managers who are putting what's on Film and Television today! SCREENWRITING: Developing your Idea, Writing The Script, Pitching, Marketing Your Talents, Selling Your Craft, How to Get and Agent or Manager, How to Produce, The First Ten Pages: A Readers Impression, How to Make a Reader Love You, How to Put Your Script To Bed. PITCH SESSIONS will be available. MOVIEMAKING: Script Acquirement, Development, Budgeting, Contracts: SAG/WGA/DGA, Editing, Directing, Cinematography, Line Producing, Distribution, Foreign Rights,Direct to DVD,Digital Movie Making,12 steps to an Independent Film! GUEST LIST: Over 30 Industry Professionals will teach you, guide you and help you launch your career in screenwriting and filmmaking. We have invitations out to over 100 Agencies, Studios and Development Heads. We have attracted such companies as ICM, Paramount, MGM, 20th Century, Dexterity, Happy Madison, Klasky Csupo, Metropolitan, Zinkler Films, Bumbershoot, A-Management, Zide/Perry, Mostow Lieberman, Samuel Goldwyn, Jumprope, and SMA. Want to get in front of the people that can make your career? Want to spend a weekend in Las Vegas and learn "How to Beat the Odds in Hollywood"? Want to save $100.00? Visit www.vegasscript.com {http://www.vegasscript.com} and on the Las Vegas Page look for the Code 231 Button. Check out our guarantee and join us at the Gold Standard of Screenwriting and Moviemaking Conferences for 4 days of fun, learning and connecting with the right people to move your career forward! You get Free Continental Breakfast Fri-Sun, Free Workbook, Free Entrance into the Cocktail Party, Free Power Lunch, Free Software, 2 Free Pitches, Free Pitch practice rooms, Free support for one year! This incredible weekend is yours with all the classes and panels of your choice for only $249.00 with your VIP affiliate discount! Registrations are on an available basis and have to be pre-registered! NO WALK UPS will be taken. Our classes are in-depth, up close and personal and dedicated to building your career and putting you in front of the right people! Produced by Lifestyle Productions LLC. For more info, please log on to http://www.vegasscript.com {http://www.vegasscript.com} or call (719) 687-2167. * The Megahit Movies Book* The new 500+ page edition analyzes *The Megahit Movies*, those films which have generated more than $250 million in North American Box Office receipts. It presents principles of story construction that can be used to develop popular movies by providing an analysis of cinematic techniques. It also offers stimulating ideas that can be helpful in the creative process. The book is designed for writers, directors and producers who want to create commercially successful films. The fundamentals of dramatic structure, the human emotions, and the construction of humorous characters and situations are explained, with examples drawn from some of the most popular motion pictures Hollywood has ever produced. The Foreword to the book is written by Christopher Lockhart, Executive Story Editor, International Creative Management (ICM), in which he discusses what Producers, Agents and Studios are lookig for when reading scripts. This book discusses the recent megahit-blockbuster movies such as SHREK 2, SPIDER-MAN 2, HARRY POTTER, BRUCE ALMIGHTY, MATRIX TRILOGY, FINDING NEMO, PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN and THE LORD OF THE RINGS. *Click here to Purchase The Megahit Movies Book* {http://www.TheMegahitMovies.com/ordermeg.htm} *RMS Story & Screenplay Consultations* *A personal consultation on your original screenplay!* Once you purchase this package, you will be permitted to submit a 120 page original screenplay. Between 3 to 5 pages of written comments about the screenplay will be emailed to you within 14 days after the receipt of the script by U.S. Priority Mail. Also included is *The Megahit Movies Book* 500+ pages of information about the structure of popular films. Once you have read my comments, I will schedule a one-hour chat session to further discuss your script. Start developing your script into a feature screenplay that can be made into a popular Hollywood movie! *Click here for Story & Screenplay Consultations* {http://www.TheMegahitMovies.com/ScriptConsult.htm} {http://www.SherwoodOaksCollege.com/events.html} Sherwood Oaks Experimental College specializes in organizing screenwriting events which gives writers access to the top agents, producers and studio executives in Hollywood. It brings in industry players to personally meet with writers and keeps the groups small to allow the writers to interact with each and every guest. So far in 2005 guests have included James Cameron, David Ducovney, David Mamet, Liam Nieson, Hiliary Swank, among others. Sherwood Oaks Experimental College also takes small groups to award shows like The Directors Guild Award Show, The Producers Guild Awards, The Writers Guild Awards, and The Emmys. It has held screenwriting events at many Hollywood Studios, including Sony, MGM, FOX, Universal and Paramount. www.SherwoodOaksCollege.com {http://www.SherwoodOaksCollege.com/events.html} {http://www.WritersChannel.net} The Writers Channel includes a Mentor Program; Screenwriting Groups; Pitch Hollywood Executives, Agents and Movie Producers; Writing classes; Resource Center; Audio Interviews; Articles on classic movies; member contributed journals; and Creative Exercises. www.WritersChannel.net {http://www.WritersChannel.net} June 13th Modern Classics - Chat with Lesley Bracker Napoleon Dynamite {cafe.php}. 6PM PDT July 11th Richard Michaels Stefanik's Megahit Movie Chat {cafe.php} *Spielbergs War of the Worlds*. 6PM PDT {http://www.writersstore.com} **Richard Michaels Stefanik RMS PRODUCTIONS COMPANY rms@TheMegahitMovies.com www.TheMegahitMovies.com {http://www.TheMegahitMovies.com} Copyright 2005 by RMS Productions Company All rights Reserved. ** -- <b>To unsubscribe from this list</b> send an email to <a HREF="mailto:rms@TheMegahitMovies.com"><b>rms@TheMegahitMovies.com</a></b> with the word <b>UNSUBSCRIBE</b> in the subject line of the message. -- Powered by PHPlist, www.phplist.com --