WELCOME TO OUR FILMFESTIVALS.COM WEEKLY NEWSLETTER N° 256: January 12 -19, 2006 Find search tips for our website at the bottom, Subscribe and unsubscribe options at bottom Contact our editor: HYPERLINK "mailto:editor@filmfestivals.com"mailto:editor@filmfestivals.com: do not reply to the newsletter. Advertise on the site: HYPERLINK "mailto:bruno@filmfestivals.com"mailto:bruno@filmfestivals.com _____________________________________________________________ NEWS FROM FESTIVALS * The USA Film Festival announces shedule of events * FIAPF accredits the LA based AFI FEST in 2006 * Rotterdam announces full line up VPRO Tiger Awards Competition * Raising Voices Conference at Rotterdam Festival * The iPod Video Film Festival coming soon to your iPod * Santa Barbara Int’l Film Festival student line up * Sundance Independent Feature Film Competition contenders * 39th Worldfest will stream all shorts and features trailers HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/festivalsnews.shtml"http://www.filmfestiva ls.com/htm/festivalsnews.shtml HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/ifcmedialab/medialab.shtml" ______________________________________________________________ NEWS FROM OUR PARTNERS 3RD ANNUAL ARTIVIST FILM FESTIVAL & ARTIVIST AWARDS August 2006 – Hollywood & San Francisco "ARTIVIST" is the 1st international activist film festival dedicated to addressing Human Rights, Children's Advocacy , Animal Rights and Environmental Preservation. Its mission is to strengthen the voice of international activist artists - "Artivists" - while raising awareness for social global causes. Calling for entries now. HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/05/december/artivist.shtml"http:// www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/05/december/artivist.shtml 1ST MOBILE FILM FESTIVAL 2006 January 3rd to 15th Mobilevent presents the 1st edition of the Mobile Film Festival, the first ever online festival of one minute short films, filmed only with mobile phones and open to the general public. Applicants have until December 20th to send in their proposal. The Festival will be accessible to all on the web HYPERLINK "http://www.mobilefilmfestival.com"www.mobilefilmfestival.com Submit online: HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/05/december/mobilefest.shtml"http: //www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/05/december/mobilefest.shtml ______________________________________________________________ AWARDS * The Concentra Award for outstanding video journalism * Slamdance and fox21 Celebrate Teleplay Competition Finalists * Directors Guild of America announces 5 awards nominees * Nominations announced for SAG awards * The 9th International Latino Film Festival awards HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/festivals_wrapup.shtml"http://www.filmfest ivals.com/htm/festivals_wrapup.shtml ___________________________________________________________ FESTIVALS GALLERY - PICTURES JUST PICTURES CAPRI HOLLYWWOD PICTURE GALLERY new HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/images/capri2005/index.htm"http://www.filmfest ivals.com/images/capri2005/index.htm DUBAI PICTURE GALLERY HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/images/dubai/index.htm"http://www.filmfestival s.com/images/dubai/index.htm MALIBU PICTURE GALLERY (35 pictures) HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/images/maui2005/index.htm"http://www.filmfesti vals.com/images/maui2005/index.htm VENICE PICTURE GALLERY (82 including Monica Belucci) HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/images/venice2005/index.htm"http://www.filmfes tivals.com/images/venice2005/index.htm SAN SEBASTIAN PICTURE GALLERY (82 shots) HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/images/sansebastian2005/index.htm"http://www.f ilmfestivals.com/images/sansebastian2005/index.htm TORONTO PICTURE GALLERY (40 pictures) HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/images/tiff2005galery/index.htm"http://www.fil mfestivals.com/images/tiff2005galery/index.htm BERLIN PICTURE GALLERY (40 pictures) HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/images/berlin2005/index_2.html"http://www.film festivals.com/images/berlin2005/index_2.html FANTASPORTO PICTURE GALLERY (134 pictures) HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/pixus/galerie/fantasporto/index.htm"http://www .filmfestivals.com/pixus/galerie/fantasporto/index.htm _____________________________________________________________ FEST PLAYERS FOCUS * Pan African Film and Arts Festival to honor Louis Gossett Jr * Interview with IFC Media Lab Director * Meryl Streep to receive Coolidge Award * Wim Wenders to be honored at Miami Film Festival * Cannes has appointed Wong Kar Wai as next Jury president * Sony chairman keynotes at CES * Terry Gilliam's Oscar bets from Capri Hollywood: Woody Allen... HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/fr/index.shtml"http://www.filmfestivals.com/fr /index.shtmlHYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/fr/index.shtml"HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/fr/index.shtml" _____________________________________________________________ LAST MINUTE TRAVELS PLANS TO SUNDANCE ? BOOK IT HERE "One Stop Shop" to book hotels Dubai, flights, rental car, etc.. HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/useful_info.shtml"http://www.filmfestivals .com/htm/useful_info.shtml ______________________________________________________________ THE NEWS " IN FRENCH " l'actu des festivals francophones * Des Silences assourdissants : Master Class à Angers Premiers Plans * Le tour du monde de l'animation en 4 jours à Pléneuf-Val-André * History of Violence plébicité par les critiques canadiens * La position du Président de l Unevi sur la licence légale * Blackmovie le festival de films des autres mondes à Genève * Wong Kar Wai a accepté la présidence du jury de Cannes * Gerardmer: Fantastic’arts treizième édition rime avec superstition ! * Festival de Gérardmer l'édition 2006 est sur les rails HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/fr/index.shtml"http://www.filmfestivals.com/fr /index.shtmlHYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/fr/index.shtml"HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/fr/index.shtml"HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/fr/index.shtml" ______________________________________________________________ FESTIVALS AGENDA Festivals calling for your films... This week, this month, the BULLETIN BOARD... HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/deadlines.shtml"http://www.filmfestivals.c om/htm/deadlines.shtml ASPIRING FEST REPORTERS WANTED Share your Festival experiences with us. Become a filmfestival reporter and ambassador. HYPERLINK "mailto:editor@filmfestivals.com"mailto:editor@filmfestivals.com _____________________________________________________________ IFC MEDIA LAB DRAW CONTEST IFC’s Independent Media Lab is a web/TV integrated program that provides filmmakers a destination for posting independent films online. Try your luck: browse our website, select your prize and reply as fast as you can to HYPERLINK "mailto:bruno@mm2editions.com"mailto:bruno@mm2editions.com Early bird gets it. Visit HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/ifcmedialab/medialab.shtml"http://www.film festivals.com/htm/ifcmedialab/medialab.shtml ______________________________________________________________ D-CINEMA NEWS * Technicolor Digital Cinema test plans with Century Theatres * HDFEST Concludes 2005 Tour with LA awards Moving Malcom * Digital Living Room® Where Silicon Valley and Hollywood Intersect... HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/dcinema.shtml"http://www.filmfestivals.com /htm/dcinema.shtml ______________________________________________________________ FILM FROM FEST FOCUS * 1,750,000,000 theater tickets sold in 2004 in Europe (up 6.7%) * Film Sales Support (FSS) for Sundance Film Festival * DigiTraining Plus: New Technologies for European Cinemas * Tsotsi to open 14th Annual Pan African Film and Arts Fest * Publicly funded horror movie from Horrorshare * CES launch of Sonic Debuts First DVD on Demand System for Electronic Sell-through of Movies * Memoirs of a Geisha cast video interview * The Chronicles of Narnia reviews HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/films.shtml"http://www.filmfestivals.com/h tm/films.shtml ______________________________________________________________ FESTIVALS AGENDA Festivals calling for your films... This week, this month, the BULLETIN BOARD... HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/htm/deadlines.shtml"http://www.filmfestivals.c om/htm/deadlines.shtml ______________________________________________________________ CALL FOR ENTRIES ONLINE SUBMISSIONS Filmmakers don't miss these ones! 1) CIFF - CYPRUS INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL March 24- 27, 2006, The festival has a new directors competitionfor Features,Shorts,Docu, Music Video / Commercial Golden Aphrodite Award : CYP 10.000.- in Feature Film Category. A 'red carpet - black tie' international competitive cinema event dedicated to make things happen in Cyprus, for emerging filmmakers and screenwriters". Apply online at HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/06/jan/cyprus.shtml"http://www.fil mfestivalspro.com/bulletin/06/jan/cyprus.shtml 2) SKIP CITY D-CINEMA FESTIVAL 2006: July 15-23, 2006 SKIP CITY INTERNATIONAL D-Cinema FESTIVAL 2006 promotes Digital cinema combining entertainment and digital technology through international competition screenings and awarding filmmakers and their works. Submissions of features and shorts digitally shot and produced are now open untill February 17. Apply online at HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/05/december/skipcity.shtml"http:// www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/05/december/skipcity.shtml 3) 39TH WORLDFEST HOUSTON April 21-30, 2006 Worldfest is totally dedicated to Independent Film WorldFest will screen next April 21 to 30 50 to 60 feature film premieres and short and documentary films. Entries are accepted to January 31, 2005 HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/05/december/houston.shtml"http://w ww.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/05/december/houston.shtml 4 ) THE PALM BEACH INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL: April 20-27, 2006 The Palm Beach International Film Festival is a 501(3)(c) not for profit organization supporting film programs in local schools and dedicated to making a difference in the lives of future filmmakers by helping them fulfill their dreams to one-day work in the world of film. Proceeds generated each year are donated to schools, in the form of grants and scholarships, to provide new technologies. HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/05/october/pbiff.shtml"http://www. filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/05/october/pbiff.shtml 5 ) RIFF Awards 2006 & Rome Film Market: 24-31 March 2006 Riff takes place in the Italian capital on 24-31 March 2006. Prizes worth over 50.000 € will be awarded. Info on HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/05/september/roma.shtml"http://www .filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/05/september/roma.shtml 6 ) 26th OPORTO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL: February 24th till March 4th The Oporto International Film Festival, now going to its 26th edition, specializes in fantasy and science-fiction films in its Official Competitive section. The Festival runs now in 4 theatres (2,600 seats altogether ) and screens nearly 200 NEW feature films each year. HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/05/may/fantasporto.shtml"http://ww w.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/05/may/fantasporto.shtml 7 ) ANNUAL PROGRAM WITHOUT FRONTIERS Calls SHORT FILMS producers worldwide to participate with their works. Also see the news on the Festival for Documentaries and Narrative Movies. Awards information and call for entries: HYPERLINK "http://filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/03/sept/frontiers.shtml"http://filmfes tivalspro.com/bulletin/03/sept/frontiers.shtml 8 ) See your Banner blinking on Filmfestivals.com HOMEPAGE linked to your online Call for Entries on our Bulletin Board. Maximize film entries. Email our COO Bruno Chatelin HYPERLINK "mailto:bruno@filmfestivals.com"bruno@filmfestivals.com for a detailed proposition HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/bulletin_board.pdf"http://www.film festivalspro.com/bulletin/bulletin_board.pdf HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/bulletin_board.pdf" ______________________________________________________________ A few searching tips: Use the pro site for advanced search, reserved for precise, exhaustive festival details (still free) HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/ffs/searchpro.shtml"http://www.filmfestival spro.com/ffs/searchpro.shtml Search for film HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/ffs/film/search_film.htm"http://www.filmfestiv als.com/ffs/film/search_film.htm HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/bulletin/index.shtml"http://www.filmfestiva lspro.com/bulletin/index.shtml Add your festival in our database (3,200 listed worldwide and growing ) HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/ffs/new_fest.shtml"http://www.filmfestivals pro.com/ffs/new_fest.shtml Update Festival details, add press release... HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/ffs/organis.shtml"http://www.filmfestivalsp ro.com/ffs/organis.shtml Enter your film for consideration (9,000 and growing) HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/ffs/new_film.shtml"http://www.filmfestivals pro.com/ffs/new_film.shtml MORE festival news at HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.com/"http://www.filmfestivals.com Film pros: HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/"http://www.filmfestivalspro.com French focus: HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivals.fr/"http://www.filmfestivals.fr Film & Festival DATA BASE management HYPERLINK "http://www.filmfestivalspro.com/"http://www.filmfestivalsPRO.com ______________________________________________________________ To subscribe to our newsletter: send a blank email to HYPERLINK "mailto:newsletter-subscribe@films-festivals.com"newsletter-subscribe@films- festivals.com or click on HYPERLINK "mailto:newsletter-subscribe@films-festivals.com"mailto:newsletter-subscribe @films-festivals.com To unsubscribe to our newsletter: send a blank email to HYPERLINK "mailto:newsletter-unsubscribe@films-festivals.com"newsletter-unsubscribe@fi lms-festivals.com ______________________________________________________________ This weekly e-newsletter is intended for subscribers only. Please feel free to forward it to other colleagues; Subscription is free of charge. For re-publication or copying requests, please contact us at: HYPERLINK "mailto:editor@filmfestivals.com"editor@filmfestivals.com Copyright (c) 2005 Filmfestivals. All Rights Reserved. -- No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.14.14/222 - Release Date: 1/5/2006 -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.14.17/227 - Release Date: 1/11/2006 -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.14.17/227 - Release Date: 1/11/2006 -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.14.17/227 - Release Date: 1/11/2006 _______________________________________________