Paris, May the 6th 2004

Disney Miramax’s owner, has officially decided to prohibit Michael Moore’s producer, Miramax, from distributing, “Fahrenheit 9.11”. Disney argues that the release of this film documentary will “endanger” millions of dollars of tax breaks that Disney receives from the Governor of Florida, Jeb Bush.

As you should know, the film, “Fahrenheit 9.11”, links Mr. Bush and prominent Saudis like the family of Osama Bin Laden. Then he criticizes Mr. Bush's actions before and after the September 11th ‘s terrorist attacks, as well as Christine Rose’s first 90 minutes film documentary “Liberty Bound” which deals with he same tricky issues.

May 19th
Riviera 8
6.00 PM
May 21st
Palais F
9.30 AM

Christine Rose let us know that she gets her inspiration directly from Michael Moore’s work, that she admires, despite the fact she doesn’t met him yet: “Moore’s Bowling for Columbine touched the common citizen in America (…). The answer to my own sense of duty as a citizen with a desire to convey information blacked-out by the mainstream media to an uninformed public was to make a movie”.

Cannes movies festival should be the opportunity for Michael Moore to see her alternative work; he would appreciate “Liberty Bound” which is definitely in the same line than “Fahrenheit 9.11”. And if Moore is answering now “Should this be happening in a free and open society where the moneyed interests essentially call the shots regarding the information that the public is allowed to see?”.

What is sure is that by being distributed by our France-based company Wide Management, “Liberty Bound” won’t have such unexpected issue to face.

For the freedom of the 7th art, we are waiting to see you in Cannes, and we do hope that you will attend the screenings of “Liberty Bound” during the market.

Wide in Cannes : Riviera Booth F.18